- Mon May 22, 2017 9:17:59 pm
- 3rd Place -
Played by: xLaosta
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 4th Place - 80.29%
Jeff Probst wrote:My personal favorite this season. I loved Garrett's antics and I loved Andrea's personality, but you had the best storyline of the season. Maybe even THE defining storyline of the season. You were constantly picked on, misunderstood, threw together votes, got into fights with players. You were always on the bottom, always in consideration to go home. And some how, by some miracle, you made it to the final 3. I'm not going to say you deserved to win, because obviously if players were turned off by your personality you did something wrong. But I will say you would have gotten my vote. And most players watching also would have voted for you. For some reason you rubbed people the wrong way, but we saw the truth. You were a good guy, a great player and it was infuriating seeing players hate on you unjustifiably. Sure you may have called some people out in anger... so what? You said nothing worse than anyone else. You played a great game and you have nothing to be ashamed of. You may not have been rewarded in the game, but have solice in knowing after the fact... you were right.
Jeff Varner wrote:I was never really able to get a good grasp on you or your game. I didn't think you were being bullied or that you were bullying Nick, and I thought that bringing that up against you in tribal council was kind of lousy - especially when the big loaded gun they prepared to shoot against seemed to have a false bullet. Regardless, fighting against the majority for almost the entire merge and still making it to the end is very impressive. I think you deserve more credit than you were given, and I believe you played a very fine game, though your social game/jury management could've used some work.
Ozzy Lusth wrote: I’m not sure what all the huss and fuss is about last night, but congrats on making final three.
Flicka Flame wrote:You've got big bollocks to want to flip on the majority alliance in the merge to put your own safety in the way. You were always seemingly on the bottom and somehow managed to make it all the way to the end. I loved you, Tai. You were the tits.
Sarah Jones wrote:I love you, my little trainwreck angel. You're a God.
Joaquin Pheonix wrote:I LOVED watching you this season. To me, the person whose eyes we saw the season through - it may have been about why Tai lost rather than why Aubry won. Your PM's were hilarious and you were at the center of all the drama. Don't take what people said personally, hope you learn from this and come back strong.