By Spencer
#160 Is a round considered a just day or like a full cycle of challenge then tribal?
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By Spencer
#162 So if I choose a mission like #7 where I have to vote a certain way, would I have to make sure I went to tribal that round in order for it to be successful?
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By Jeff Probst
Spencer wrote:
Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:35:33 pm
So if I choose a mission like #7 where I have to vote a certain way, would I have to make sure I went to tribal that round in order for it to be successful?
So that's a good question. You are allowed to complete any one of the council missions during your first council. So let's say you end up completing mission #2, and you go to Council, you can also complete mission #7 at that council. That would complete your mission for the next round as well.

We will cross that bridge when we get to it, if say Francesca only goes to 1 council. I will come up with a replacement task that is similar in nature.

Missions like Nick's #4, #8... can be done without going to Council. Again we have backup plans should we come to that.

But for now, you can complete one additional mission within a round if you happen to go to council. But Spencer, you can't complete both 7 and 11 in the same council. Clear?
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Jeff Probst

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By Nick
#164 So when does this begin? After this first tribal I'm assuming?
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By Jeff Probst
Nick wrote:
Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:22:38 pm
So when does this begin? After this first tribal I'm assuming?
No you need to pick your mission for the round before the next Challenge. This game is on!
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Jeff Probst

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By Nick
#166 ahh ok. One last question. How would you know if I were to reveal an alliance? Chat logs I'm assuming?
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By Jeff Probst
Nick wrote:
Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:24:41 pm
ahh ok. One last question. How would you know if I were to reveal an alliance? Chat logs I'm assuming?
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Jeff Probst

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By Nick
#464 Is tribal over yet? Don't wanna break the rules and message them before tribal ends
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By Jeff Probst
#465 Congrats Sheikhs on completing your missions for this round.

Spencer, since you went to council and completed yet another task, you earned immunity for another round as well.

Please specify which tasks you will be completing for this round now.
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Jeff Probst

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By Nick
#468 For publically revealing an alliance, if I just typed "Hey Aubry, glad we're on the same page" in the main chat, would that count? Just wondering.
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By Nick
#469 Also, can you tell me how the "Fake Hidden Immunity Idol" one works? Do you give me one or do I have to make one in ms paint?
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By Jeff Probst
Nick wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:54:28 pm
Also, can you tell me how the "Fake Hidden Immunity Idol" one works? Do you give me one or do I have to make one in ms paint?
We have one you can use.
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Jeff Probst

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By Jeff Probst
Nick wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:52:16 pm
For publically revealing an alliance, if I just typed "Hey Aubry, glad we're on the same page" in the main chat, would that count? Just wondering.
No, needs to be a solid confirmation of an alliance for all to see. Doesn't have to be an alliance with multiple people though.
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Jeff Probst

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By Nick
#474 Okay, I'll do the "Fake Hidden Immunity Idol" one. Of course if I go to tribal.
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By Jeff Probst
#747 Francesca
✓ 3. Go Missing during your turn in a challenge for at least 20 minutes.
✓ 5. Give a tribe member a Fake Hidden Immunity Idol.
10. At the start of Tribal Council, threaten to give your Immunity to the target and attempt to change the vote to someone not previously targeted.
12. Claim that you lost internet before Council and publicly ask everyone who to vote for. Then claim that you have been lied to and that the vote was supposed to be for someone else.

✓ 7. Vote for an ally and sign it with someone else’s name.
1. Target two people against each other.
✓ 2. Lose the Challenge for your tribe.
✓ 11. Promise to give someone an idol before Tribal Council, then during Council, publicly admit that you lied and that you do not have an idol.

✓ 8. Don’t talk to the next person to message you until after the next Tribal Council.
6. Publicly reveal an alliance you are involved in “by accident”.
✓ 4. Post a Fake Hidden Immunity Idol at the beginning of Council.
9. Forbid someone from speaking to you until they publicly apologize for their vote.
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Jeff Probst

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