- Tue May 16, 2017 10:38:24 pm
Steve wrote: ↑Tue May 16, 2017 10:37:11 pm
Andrea wrote: ↑Tue May 16, 2017 10:36:06 pm
Steve wrote: ↑Tue May 16, 2017 10:33:50 pm
Oh I missed this :P
Unless I'm wrong, wouldn't that have worked, though? Because at 5, everyone agrees that you HAVE to go or else it's over. And then at 4, Aubry is bigger than me (depends how loyal LJ is at F4)
let's say tai went out at 6. if you vote me out at 5, then you're left with nat, aubry, lj, you. none of those people are bringing you to the final 4. you win immunity or you're fucked.
if we'd gotten tai out at 6 and lj out at 5, you are 100% guaranteed a spot in the final, and you win the game as long as i don't win immunity.
No no no, the attempt was to get Nat out at 6
did you know she was gunning for me? if you'd told me i would have voted her out in a second.
and then...you, me, tai, aubry, lj, you vote out me, it's you, tai, aubry, lj...you're not getting to the final 3 in that group either, brother, unless you win immunity. same deal. you needed me as a shield at 4.