- Mon May 22, 2017 9:03:54 pm
- 10th Place -
Played by: McShwiz
From: Reddit

Fan Favorite Results: 7th Place - 71.43%
Jeff Probst wrote:One of my favorite players of the season! Equal parts naive and strategic, cautious and overplanning. I think you got too much inside your head this season, but that's what's so endearing about you. I really think of all the players that played this season, you would make a great returning player. I think we could really see you grow in terms of confidence and when you get that confidence, I think you will be a great players. I think you knew what moves to make you just stopped yourself from doing them out of fear. Still, you were a good player, a great Sheikh and I can't ask for more than that really.
Jeff Varner wrote:You were glorious pre-merge handling the Sheikh tasks. Your frenemy/rivalry with Garrett was great. But then you hit the merge and got sucked into "The Friendship" and sort of just became complacent about the game once you made friends which was disappointing to watch. It's cool that you made friends, I guess, but it clearly didn't help your game and actually ultimately hurt it. I think this was your first ORG? and your inexperience showed. I think you showed some potential to be a great character and hopefully, if you get the chance to play again, you will live up to that potential - hopefully with the killer instinct that you lacked in this game. With some more experience, a killer instinct and a mindfulness to be your own person, you could be great.
Ozzy Lusth wrote:You were basically the actual Spencer, very gamebot-y. I enjoyed watching your antics with the Sheikh tasks and was excited for you once the merge hit. I think you already recognize this, but you waited too long to make a move and it was a bummer going into your confessionals and seeing, “I think I’ll wait one more round to do something.” I think you have a lot of potential and would be excited to watch again!
Flicka Flame wrote:You crazy and fun to watch son of a bitch. I never thought you would last as long as you did being as insane as you were especially being a sheik. Good game dude, you played awesome.
Joaquin Pheonix wrote:You being cast as Spencer is pretty much dead on. You are SO gamebotty which I pretty much called from your application, but I think being a sheikh really forced you out of your element and forced you to be a character too. And ended up recovering from that legendary first thrown challenge to be a half decent player.
Sarah Jones wrote: I love you for everything you did this season but I hate you for Garrett. You were my early fave apart from Garrett. I just wish you would have gone a little more hamfisted with the Sheik tasks. I wanted to see another trainwreck.