- Sun May 21, 2017 8:39:16 pm
Ayyy we finally made it! I dunno about you three, but I have a feeling that my nervousness about tonight might might be more than yours. I dunno why, either. Steve, you're irrelevant. Stop rambling.

So I think it’s fair to say that none of the three of you played the sexiest of games. A bit of lurking, a bit of just flat out surviving. In fact, in that Public Tribal where Nick went out, where it was really crunch time for some people, I think the most notable post between the three of you was a triumphant:
By LJ - Thu May 11, 2017 10:29:25 pm
what we do
By Mr. LJ over there.
But hey, that’s strategic and it obviously worked for each of you. I'm probably gonna have less of a problem with that than a lot of my fellow jury members, so bravo for that.

I think my main concern for each of you was as follows, and don't feel like you need to address them, really, my question's coming:
LJ- It's obvious that anyone needs to be lucky to make it where you have. But I still struggle to get past your sticking around not being dumb luck. You seemed to be always the #2 choice of that original majority alliance to vote out. So I dunno if you somehow got that to happen, yourself, or it was just dumb luck that your name was never the final decision.
Aubs- Simply enough, I don't know if you were AWARE enough about the game around you. You're super strategic, I can't deny that. But those votes of yours were in the minority or just ill-justified a few too many times, if you ask me.
Tai- You were forced to come into the merge guns a' blazin' because of those early controversies. And that's fine. But directly after, and you told me this yourself, you needed to shut up. I DO think that was smart, but I'm concerned that you spent too much of this game in silence to give yourself a legitimate enough shot.
Actually for you Tai (I think I told most of you I'm like,
super into sports) I'd compare you (For LJ <3) to the Buffalo Bills. You start out with a bang every year, then fizzle out. The only difference is that you, Tai, don't have a former head coach whose desk donned a picture of a foot fetish model.
(and yes, I was planning to compare you all to pro sports franchises, but LJ was gonna be the Detroit Red Wings and that's just an unfair disadvantage)
Anyways! Phew I'm sweating by now! Now that we've gone through a mind-map of every thought Steve has ever had, my question. It's related to my concern about Aubry, in I was troubled, to an extent, in each of your levels of awareness in the game. To me, knowing what's going on with others, and the flow of the game as a whole is one key characteristic of most deserving winners. That being said:
I'd like each of you to just state the best and worst part of each of the other 2 finalists' games, or their journey as a whole
Thanks for sticking with that, best of luck to each of you!