- Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:00:42 pm
2. Lose the Challenge for your tribe.
4. Post a Fake Hidden Immunity Idol at the beginning of Council.
5. Give a tribe member a Fake Hidden Immunity Idol.
9. Forbid someone from speaking to you until they publicly apologize for their vote.
10. At the start of Tribal Council, threaten to give your Immunity to the target and attempt to change the vote to someone not previously targeted.
11. Promise to give someone an idol before Tribal Council, then during Council, publicly admit that you lied and that you do not have an idol.
12. Claim that you lost internet before Council and publicly ask everyone who to vote for. Then claim that you have been lied to and that the vote was supposed to be for someone else.
3. Go Missing during your turn in a challenge for at least 20 minutes.
7. Vote for an ally and sign it with someone else’s name.
1. Target two people against each other.
8. Don’t talk to the next person to message you until after the next Tribal Council.
6. Publicly reveal an alliance you are involved in “by accident”.
Francesca, pick the next 2 por favor.
Followed by Spencer picking 1
Followed by Nick picking 2
Followed by Spencer picking 1
Followed by Francesca picking 1