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Sunday, 4/23 - Day 04 - Immunity Challenge #1

PostPosted:Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:37:38 pm
by Jeff Probst
Well guys, you have just completed your first task as a new tribe! Congrats!

Now the real fun begins...

You have the weekend to get to know one another, and I suggest you do so. We will start you guys off slow, but the game will ramp up quickly so take advantage of this time while you have it.

Tomorrow at this time, I will post the Hidden Immunity Idol forum with instructions.

On Sunday, we will have our first Tribal Immunity Challenge. I will post a treemail for that later tonight.

It will be at 8c/9e pm US Central time. Council will be the following Monday.

Sheikhs, please hang around the Arena to access your Sheikh Meeting Grounds where you all will be able to talk and make decisions for your tribes.

Everyone else, welcome to Stranded, we're in for a bumpy ride!

Re: Sunday, 4/23 - Day 04 - Immunity Challenge #1

PostPosted:Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:01:57 am
by Jeff Probst

Re: Sunday, 4/23 - Day 04 - Immunity Challenge #1

PostPosted:Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:56:44 pm
by Lindsey
Makes me think it's a puzzle like the same 4x4 one we all got?