11th Place | 2nd Juror | Voted Out 6 - 4
By Kimmi Kappenberg
#2650 That was a spicy vote off, who knew Fran had such fire in her?

Well now that that's out of the way, there's only active players left to target. So what's the gameplan moving forward now that you can actually play?

Now that Julia's played her idol is she still going to be a target?

What do you make of the way the votes were split tonight?

What's the status of alliances right now?

And you know how much we like our rankings and lists, so if you had complete control over the boot order from here till the end, what would your ideal bootlist look like?
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Kimmi Kappenberg

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By Trish
#2676 yeah you're telling me! I think this vote is a sign that i need to recompose myself and play a bit more relaxed. but i guarantee you i'll be back to my erratic ways by sunday lol.

oh man i am v conflicted moving forward. Andrea and Spencer are the most likely choices to have an idol meaning that i can't afford to stay with them forever. At least for several more rounds tho. I'm gonna try to get steve on board rn, maybe throw final 2 his way??? Ideally we target tai and aubry bringing it from 7 to 3, then flip to go 5v5 and use a twist or flip somebody and gun after andrea?? idk man i say all this stuff but we all kknow i'm just gonna go with whatever the moment tells me lol.

The split vote went surprisingly well, it sort of conceals the idea of a majority alliance and also turned Tai into public enemy number 1. I pray to god that he has an idol, it would be absolutely hilarious if he got nick out with it. the man would be beyond pissed!!!

I think i'm pretty solidly in the majority. I just know I can't stay with these people for long bc they are even more erratic than i am.

12. Tai
11. Aubry
10. Andrea
9. Julia
8. Nick
7. Spencer
6. Natalie
5. LJ
4. Lindsey
3. Steve
2. Morgan
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  • Juror
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By Trish
#2761 ugh if only this hot mess had 5 more minutes
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  • Juror
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By Trish
#2800 lol i'm going for it this is probably way too risky and could blow up in my face but it's exciting! aubry is online so hoopefully read the messages, the tie breaker might not be the same..who knows what will happen
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