5th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2
By Kimmi Kappenberg
#3189 Final 10! We're almost into single digits, how exciting is that? icon_ha

So with that in mind, what's the plan for you next? Are you going to shake things up any time soon? Do you think anyone else will if you don't?

What do you make of the way the votes fell tonight? Do you know where everyone voted?

Did your trust or respect for anyone rise or fall after that tribal?

How much would you say Trish leaving will affect your game moving forward?

And also, how do you feel about your game as it stands now? Do you feel confident in how you've been playing or do you feel like you have some more moves to make before you can deserve a win? How do you think the other players perceive you?
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Kimmi Kappenberg

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By Steve
#3222 I think between the 7 who kinda appear to be in the majority, no one wants to jump the gun, but everyone is jockeying to be the one that flips everything on its head. And if it truly is 7-3, that could come sooner than we think.

Andrea, Natalie and I have been kicking around the idea of going after Spencer, but have kinda decided that we want Lindsey gone first. Why? Well Lindsey's good at stirring shit up. And that's exactly what she'll do if she's desperate. She's down 7-3 here and is desperate.

I think if she goes, I can get LJ on my side if I promise to protect him a bit (since his only other ally is Tai, and I can't tell if they're close or not?).

The risk with waiting one more, is that you have 4 other people, in Nick, Spencer, Aubry and Morgan who have proved that they'll lie and switch things up to different degrees in this game.

So things are gonna get turned upside down very soon. It's just a matter of that happening NOW, or tomorrow. And I truly hope we can save that until tomorrow
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By Kelly Wigles
#3223 Hi Steve, you mentioned that everyone is jockeying to be the one that flips everything on its head. If that happens, who do you think will be most negatively affected by it? Also, who do you think will pull the trigger first?

Also, do you mind giving us a little insight into your relationship with Andrea and Natalie, what about them has made the three of you so tight?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Steve
#3224 It just depends on who goes home because of the flip. I think if it's Natalie or Andrea that does, the other struggles to get back in. If it's Nick or Spencer, it's the same.

The one concerning thing is that Aubry and Nick having some special alliance has been thrown around very scarcely, but several times over the past little bit. So if it's Spencer that is actually the first of us to go, maybe Nick won't be /quite/ as deprived as I'd like. And he's had at least 2 wacko "revenge" rants since I've known him (wanting Alecia gone, then Tai), so if we betray him in going after his idoled friend... we know who he comes back after.

If it's me that pulls the trigger first? Well I don't know. Going through tonight without:

A) Nick and Spencer wanting to make something happen (because they obviously do)
B) Morgan doing something stupid (because she's literally playing double agent right now)
C) Aubry just feeding off of our ideas and reporting back to Lindsey, because she was never with us in the first place

... well none of those three things is gonna be tough.
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By Steve
Kelly Wigles wrote:
Tue May 09, 2017 3:24:08 pm
Also, do you mind giving us a little insight into your relationship with Andrea and Natalie, what about them has made the three of you so tight?.
As for Andrea, Natalie and myself...

well Andrea approached me minutes after the merge saying that she wanted that as her final three. I didn't even expect that to hold strong thus far, but here we are. My big Achilles heel in this game, and maybe it's for good reason and maybe it's not, is that I'm still not trusting anyone all that much. So if I go to Andrea and Natalie with a plan to how we survive Nick's wrath, if we get Spencer booted, I'm still not gonna be totally with them.

It could VERY WELL be that they think they can beat me at the end and truly want me there (not my ideal thinking, but I'd take that I guess?) or maybe they truly are with Nick and them right now.

The reason I wanted to alienate LJ by getting rid of Lindsey now, is because I feel I'm probably #3 or so in who he trusts the most. So if I want to whip up an attack on Andrea, he's the key there. I just don't think it's quite that time.
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By Steve
#3227 Morgan-Nick? But that's gonna be pretty damn hard to do.

The thing that's working against Andrea, is that she even knows she's much too social to have much of a chance at going to the very end. So she needs either the tightest alliance she can get, or to go on a Mike-esque immunity streak towards the end. That's always in the back of my mind with Andrea... maybe it IS genuine, because that's exactly what she needs.

I still wouldn't take her.
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By Steve
#3229 At the moment, I'm leaning that way for sure. Andrea can beat most of us here, and if she goes, Natalie's probably against me. But it's really gonna be a look-and-see situation for when that happens. I don't wanna be in the final 6 if I have zero allies left, even if I got some blindside of Andrea the night before.

In short, If the final 4 is Nick with immunity, Morgan and Natalie, I'm definitely trying to take Morgan with me.
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By Kelly Wigles
#3230 I see. So, tell me a little bit more about yourself. What aspects of your everyday life do you feel lends itself well to the game?
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Kelly Wigles

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