- Fri May 05, 2017 2:40:56 pm
Status of my alliance... good question.
It's say it's already on the tipping point! And we're one vote in! I could certainly see Tai being next and us going full force at him... but after that? Let's go over everyone in it.
Trish: The main reason that it's gonna go to shit, and no one recognises it at all. She told me flat-out last night that Spencer and Andrea have idols (didn't understand her reasoning as to how she knew that, at all, but....) and that we'd need to flip soon, because she's friends with Lindsey. As well, she set up a final 3 with me (because who wouldn't love to bring me? ^^)... interesting.
Nick: He's paranoid as hell, right now. If one person from our 7 flips, he is gonna go crazy, and it's gonna bring Spencer down with him. I think he's moderately pissed at me about winning the numbers challenge too... I made sure to not tell him that I knew what his score was, beforehand.
Andrea: If she has an idol, she should be LOVING what's going on right now. She's the other one that's made a Final 3 plan with me (and Natalie....guess who wins that one). I have a feeling that she trusts me tho, which is good. I dunno if she just trusts me, or think's I'm too dumb to orchestrate anything, but I'm happy either way. IN ADDITION...Nick pretty much owes her his life right about now, she decided to switch to from Julia to Fran last second.
Natalie: For someone super smart, she's doing a very good job at staying super relevant in non-strategical talk, but quiets down during strategy. So she's one to watch...
Spencer: Of the two pretty boy Sheikhs over there, he's miles more rational. I think I'm most similar to him, of anyone in this game...I wanna see if we can get something going.
Morgan: Oh she's so funny, she thinks she's being all smart and strategical and stuff. In all honestly, she almost screwed us over by pretty much only talking to Julia and them before the vote... her quadruple bluff almost blew everything up further.
I think my itinerary pretty much comes down to:
1) Bond with Spencer a bit more
2) Stick with the group against Tai, if that stays a thing
3) Keep Aubry around... we agreed that even though we're on opposite sides, we'd try to keep eachother in
4) Get Lindsey out (without Trish figuring out I was behind that...)
5) Raise some hell :) My perfect band of misfits right now would be Aubry, LJ, Spencer and myself, but that'll take work.
Is LJ close to Lindsey even? ugh