5th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2
By Kimmi Kappenberg
#1406 Congrats on making the merge! Stranded is crazy from start to finish (and will only ramp up from here), so the mere fact that you’re here is an accomplishment.

So a 13 person merge. On a scale of fist fighting a quadriplegic to bungee jumping from the Empire State Building, how intimidating is that? What do you expect to happen for the first vote?

What are your thoughts about who the other tribes voted out? Disappointed? Relieved? Angry? Indifferent?

Give us an ol’ trust rankdown - order from 1-12 who you trust the most to least and a brief reasoning as to why.

You’ve been separated from several of your tribemates for a few rounds. Do you think any old tribal lines are still intact or are you gonna do your own thing?

What are your thoughts on idols? Do you think they were found? Who do you think has them?

Who is threat #1 right now? Who is threat #13?

Is there anyone you’re absolutely opposed to working with? Is there anyone you’re absolutely not voting out?

Are you concerned about being singled out for having avoided tribal so much in the pre-merge? Do you think people might worry that you’re too close-knit because of it?

Since you voted out Krista, do you think you might face some retribution from your old Detwah tribemates?
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Kimmi Kappenberg

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By Steve
#1429 I was sceptical I'd make if for a little bit! But here I am, and I think I have good numbers with me, from what I can tell! I'll do a rundown of the questions soon
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By Steve
#1441 Intimidating?

Terrifyingly so. But it's a good terrifying, one that you're happy happened, even if it's about to get crazy.

It's like my first child was just born...

...while my wife and I were bungee jumping from the ESB.

It was actually crazy from the moment our names turned blue. Like, that group-wide chat was made, and everyone was chatting and all happy....and it was crazy how suddenly everyone started meeting everyone 1-on-1, and that group chat went dead. You could just sense the gameplay right from that point. It's real for me now.
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By Steve
#1545 What are your thoughts about who the other tribes voted out? Disappointed? Relieved? Angry? Indifferent?

Garrett and Phillip...

Well I was really looking forward to reuniting with Phillip...he definitely woulda been on "our side" (which is looking shakier and shakier by the minute....we'll see how that works out). He was my biggest ally, and I don't think anyone has *quite* figured that out, which I'm ok with.


Well I'm just pissed I didn't get to be there for the fireworks! Like, the only tribal I've been a part of was calm as hell. And as much as I want wackiness, I dunno if I can produce it anywhere near as effectively as Garrett did.

I expected them to keep him, actually. Our thinking with the Krista vs Morgan debate was that you're not crippling your tribe's chances at immunity if you vote off a strong player, because we knew it was the last pre-merge tribal! I was 100% expecting the weaklings to get dragged along into the merge, and more notable people to go. But it wasn't the case at all!
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By Steve
#1548 With tonight's challenge, I just quickly jotted down every other player's current post count (minus Julia). That'll give me a general idea of what number I'll need to get to when I start counting tomorrow....because I sincerely don't want to count for 7 hours when I only needed to get to 10. We'll see!
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By Steve
#1780 Ranking trust is tough, because I don't really see one or two of these people being backstabbers, nor do I see them working with me. This is how I'd rank them, I think:

1 Nick (I was hoping I'd have someone higher up than this on my rankings, but alas....he's gonna want to make a move sooner or later, but I'm not the person he'd do that on, I don't think. He's #1 for the time being)

2 Andrea (I trust her for this first little bit. She's a total player, and is gonna do something too, but she DID give me a final 3 suggestion. She can totally beat me in the final three, but maybe that's good for me. Knowing she wants me there.)

3 Morgan (eh, I dunno how long she'll stick around, but she'll be someone we can rely on a vote from every once in awhile)

4 Trish (she might be the #1 threat in the game for the time being, but she seems solid with me for the time being)

5 Aubry (this one's a gut feeling, but just talking to her a little bit, I really like her. If being likeable makes you trustworthy or not is another story, but I'm comfortable slotting her here)

6 Spencer (We're into "eh...they could be shifty" territory)

7 Fran (Simply put, I don't think she's gonna do anything crazy, if she shows up at all)

8 Natalie (The third member of Andrea's proposed final 3....She just seems like such a good player, and is already playing a very good public game, before the jury even has anyone on it yet. I'm keeping my eye on her, since we haven't clicked since night 1)

9 LJ (I still need to get a feel on him....he seems to be on the side that I'll be voting against tonight, but we DID bond a bit over football....we'll see)

10 Julia (I like her, and had her higher....but that idol....)

11 Tai (he seems pretty fake in the chat, honestly.... I mean, everyone that's been to tribal with him claim he's shifty and snappy, and I think I can kinda see that side. I'll keep my distance, I think)

12 Lindsey (I honestly don't know what it is about her, but every time she says something, it seems like she's smirking at that computer monitor thinking that that Steve geezer is believing her....and she hasn't even said much! Trish likes her, which might work against me....but I want her out)
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By Steve
#2482 Goddammit Trish is up to something. She hasn't gone one message without "JUST VOTE JULIA" and saying how LJ and them aren't threats...

Spencer and Nick are unravelling and this is gonna be bad for us. 100000%
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By Steve
#2495 There's a rat. Julia's not gonna play the idol, and Fran's gonna go home.

Fuck, while I was immune, I woulda liked someone ACTUALLY on the other side go...
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