5th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2
By Jeff Probst
#5366 So close!

But, at least you made the final 5. Good ride Steve, especialy for someone who came in as a replacement :)
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Jeff Probst

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By Steve
#5383 Appreciate it, Probst!

Urgh, one more move to get LJ on my side and that final 3 would be SET. I think it's defo one of the girls to take the W now.

Helluva a game tho, can't even say how much fun being a constant schemer for that many days was :P Now I just need to think of a jury question... literally the thing I was most scared about coming in. I'm sweating already
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By Steve
#5608 I'm too lazy to check if I typed that I had no regrets above... ^

But if I did, I'm wrong! Oh the regrets! :P
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By Steve
#5652 Oooh, I'm not ragretting having to try to spell DAQEEQ and QIRFAH and MUHHARAHMANZ and SOCROTCHROT in this challenge. I always see the brighter side of things
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By Steve
#5942 OH! I guess this is pointless now, but I still like being an asshole in private so....

Why was Nick said to be like, the #2 threat and super likeable and crap? Like, I voted him in the "Who would you never talk to after this game?" question because I was pretty confident it'd be him...

People liked him? He never said anything aside from dumb jokes. Wat. I think I put "well I obviously would like Nick in my FTC" in an earlier confessional or something.

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By Steve
#6000 He's a consensus lock for the cover?


I was literally aligned with him for 3/4 of the game, I'm so confused. Ok!
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By Steve
#6359 I dunno, maybe I'm wrong xD He was more note-worthy than some of us, but I'll stand down.
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By Steve
#6927 I'm coming back for more ooooooooohhhh I can't keep this in I'm sorry.

He's an all-star now!? Vamp is!? Please please please tell me I'm wrong right now I don't get itttttttt. This is my #1 Stranded Mystery now
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By Steve
#7333 (this was probably in the wrong spot, as if it matters)

And just because I'm really bored? Predictions!

FanFave: Andrea, it's gotta be


Locks: LJ (assuming he wins), Andrea
Probably+: Lindsey, Aubry (?), Garrett (?)
Obviously because he's the greatest player in the history of ever (PLEASE! EXPLAIN!) Nick
There's a shot: Spencer, Tai, Natalie (?)

I think?

And then who'd return?

Andrea, Lindsey, Nick, Krista (!), Aubry (?)

Garrett if you're into that kinda stuff?

In hindsight I really shoulda done something! Huh! icon_razz
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By Steve
Steve wrote:
Thu May 18, 2017 9:51:31 pm
OH! I guess this is pointless now, but I still like being an asshole in private so....

Why was Nick said to be like, the #2 threat and super likeable and crap? Like, I voted him in the "Who would you never talk to after this game?" question because I was pretty confident it'd be him...

People liked him? He never said anything aside from dumb jokes. Wat. I think I put "well I obviously would like Nick in my FTC" in an earlier confessional or something.

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