5th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2
By Jeff Probst
#4509 Well... final 6!!! Huge accomplishment.

Only a few more votes until the game is over. How do you see your path to winning going? What final things can be done to secure the win for you?
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Jeff Probst

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By Steve
#4542 I'm trying so hard to figure this out.

Now that my white whale is gone, I dunno what to do anymore! I'm at a loss! Like that was PERFECT. Problem is, I /think/ that was the Hadiboh idol. So who has Detwah? Andrea or LJ? or did Krista leave with it?

The problem with keeping Andrea past tomorrow is that she's one challenge from winning the game (if she has an idol)

If the 4 of us stay strong and LJ has the idol? He plays it for Tai (maybe) and one of us goes.

No one would see it being Natalie, but I dunno what that does. I need to solidify that Aubry is with me and not Andrea (which would make sense right? She can /probably/ beat me) and maybe we can pull a fast one somewhere with the boys.

Damn this is hard
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