- Fri May 12, 2017 4:51:53 pm
So... this is before the Morgan vote. That was the first one last night.
I figured that IF I could somehow place any trust whatsoever in Morgan, the time would be after I tell her she's the target. So how would that work?
Well I'd tell Nick and Morgan (good night for that powerless couple, btw!) that Morgan is the vote. Because she was. I'd tell them to shut up, don't say anything of else it's gonna be her again without question. Aubry was in on this, so that would be 4 of us. Nick would be vulnerable without Morgan, and he would also be on the wrong side of the vote twice in a row.
So let's just all vote against Lindsey. No one would see that coming!
What would that do?
1) LJindsey is no more
2) we would STILL be saving Andrea's ass, like we were commissioned to do. It would be going behind her back, but it would be justifiable.
3) Nick and Morgan would kinda owe us one after that.
4) It doesn't look like anyone dragged me around and just used me as a vote on this one. That's my move, and Andrea, though an ally, stays oblvious.
5) LJ, now a free agent, can be recruited! I've gotten to become somewhat close with him, so I coulda easily roped him in.
The problem was that we'd still lose 5-4 IF LJindsey and Tai voted for Morgan.
That wasn't a lock at that time, but they did.
So in a way, I dodged that bullet