5th Place | 8th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2
By Steve
#4205 Figure out a way to make it Lindsey then Andrea.

And dodge what is suddenly a target on my back.

Y'uh boy
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By Steve
#4281 I've been slacking big time on these confessionals, so lemme say where I'm at.

As it's been made clear time and time again, Lindsey is my sworn enemy for no reason whatsoever. Like, she took over for Trish once I managed to squeeze her out. I don't think this is a mutual thing at all, I have just wanted Lindsey gone *forever* because she's too good. Like if I were to say right now? The only people that can win this game are Natalie and Lindsey. From what I can see? Yea, they're about it. And yet EVERY TIME I bring up Lindsey, it seems that someone is the better vote. Fine, I can live with that, I guess. But I swear to god, she has soooooo much more power now than everyone thinks. Naturally, I wanna get Lindsey out on Sunday!
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By Steve
#4282 Just as naturally, the vote is Tai (from what I've heard)

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By Steve
#4283 But if we just look what's been going on since the Spencer vote, I'd characterise it with a term used by Varner during the public tribal last night...

I went all Chicken Shit :)
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By Steve
#4284 so: Spencer's tribal. About 2 minutes before the vote, I have a big thing written about how they're trying to blindside him. Play your idol, vote Lindsey instead. I was about 50% sure it would work. I'd be in Spencer's good books, my mortal enemy would be gone, and Spencer's idol would be no more
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By Steve
#4285 But no. Chicken Shit. Spencer goes home, all is well.

And sure enough, the "jump the gun and get Spencer" plan goes to shit, because suddenly Andrea is a big target to everyone. Like after the challenge that Nick won (Nick was supposed to be next) so the Detwah trio (Nat, Andrea, myself... more on them later) were CONVINCED it was one of us.

And yet some way in fuck, Andrea friggin' charms EVERYONE into going Morgan. Who is like, the smallest threat in the game...? Erm.... WHAT
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By Steve
#4286 So I go along with that. Because if I do something rogue, the numbers and "couples" that are here (LJindsey and Natdrea, mostly. Yes I call them that) can easily come after the guy who's suddenly making the Big Movez.


Yet again, Chicken Shit man has another plan to go after Lindsey.

It's kinda sad, now that I think about it... geez
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By Steve
#4287 So... this is before the Morgan vote. That was the first one last night.

I figured that IF I could somehow place any trust whatsoever in Morgan, the time would be after I tell her she's the target. So how would that work?

Well I'd tell Nick and Morgan (good night for that powerless couple, btw!) that Morgan is the vote. Because she was. I'd tell them to shut up, don't say anything of else it's gonna be her again without question. Aubry was in on this, so that would be 4 of us. Nick would be vulnerable without Morgan, and he would also be on the wrong side of the vote twice in a row.

So let's just all vote against Lindsey. No one would see that coming!

What would that do?

1) LJindsey is no more
2) we would STILL be saving Andrea's ass, like we were commissioned to do. It would be going behind her back, but it would be justifiable.
3) Nick and Morgan would kinda owe us one after that.
4) It doesn't look like anyone dragged me around and just used me as a vote on this one. That's my move, and Andrea, though an ally, stays oblvious.
5) LJ, now a free agent, can be recruited! I've gotten to become somewhat close with him, so I coulda easily roped him in.

The problem was that we'd still lose 5-4 IF LJindsey and Tai voted for Morgan.

That wasn't a lock at that time, but they did.

So in a way, I dodged that bullet
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By Steve
#4288 I didn't want to push too hard against her in the public vote, however. Because it was obvious that the vote would be Nick. I mean, just look at how coordinated we were! 7-1? There was never any doubt for that vote.
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By Steve
#4289 So that brings us to right after the Nick vote! Final 7! woo! (well not Woo, he came 21st)

Right away, Andrea congrats our foursome (Natdrea, Aubry and myself) on final 4. Because she thinks we can systematically pick off Tai, then LJindsey (who she promised final 6 or some shit? I dunno).

Not so fast, babe!

I *really* don't think it's gonna be that easy.
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By Steve
#4307 Natalie's a schemer by heart, and Aubry has better connections to those three. So it really only takes one jumping ship to give LJindsey a cake-walk. I'd certainly LIKE to dictate things from here on, and I think I would also be that target if one of them goes.

To make matters worse, it's a VERY good possibility I'm not there for Sunday. So I need to prevote tomorrow morning and make it clear to our four. And from then on, I just pray (for safety AND my wifi!)

I want Lindsey, myself. Andrea sees LJ and Tai as better players at challenges. My problem is that I think that I /might/ be able to beat LJ, AND I /might/ be able to recruit LJ to get rid of Andrea a round early.

I'm an *so* tempted to just tell them "I prevoted Lindsey. We need 4, so you're kinda forced to join me" but that's the kinda asshole move that gets people blindsided. It's also the kinda move that people do to get their way.

If it's a blindside they're working on, me not being there takes out ALL the fun. Maybe that helps me ;)
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By Kelly Wigles
#4312 Between you, Andrea, Aubry and Natalie, which one of you usually has the biggest influence on who to vote out?
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By Steve
#4325 Fran Vote-: that one was all Andrea. Really inpressive last-minute decision by her.

Julia vote: hey, this one was me!

Trish vote: well I'd been putting it in everyone's mind for the past few days that Trish was dangerous since she was gonna flip. Once she did, it was kinda a group concensus... My words of warning helped, I bet tho.

Spencer Vote: I'd say this one was more Andrea and Natalie than anyone. I was pushing for Lindsey or someone to go before Spencer, but that's fine.

Morgan Vote: we kinda let LJindsey call that shot... I didn't get it either.

Nick: I mean, everyone was gonna go for him in the Morgan council, but he had immunity. Andrea gets credit for bringing him up at the the public tribal, though.

So Andrea may be the most vocal in group conversation, but I wouldn't really say she's running the show like everyone says she is. The impressive part about her is how she's managed to stick around in the game, with said inherited target on her back, she she got from how likeable and chatty she is. It's not how she's made big movez, really, because Spencer is the only one.

So I'm not like, /that much/ behind Andrea in terms of who calls the shots. I think in strategy, I've been a close second in command. And maybe that's smart. Maybe that's me using her as a meat shield while quietly playing the exact same game as she is.
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By Steve
#4357 How the hell did I win that? What?

I'm on my phone just looking at a long line of squares and I get it right... wow
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