8th Place | 5th Juror | Voted Out 7 - 1
By Nick
#6246 21st place

Never heard anything from Woo, just heard about him from others. From the stories he seemed just as crazy as his brother. Nobody likes to go home first, just hella glad it wasn't me.
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By Nick
#6247 20th place

Oh, Kyle... he joined into this game late and got caught in the Witch's clutches. I feel for the guy, he just got subbed in, Old Kyle hadn't done him any favors, left him in a bad spot. Hope you let him return, Jeff, he's a good player who inherited a shit hand. icon_weep
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By Nick
#6248 19th place

Neal was such a great, genuine guy. If it wasn't for my Sheikh immunity I would've been gone this tribal instead of him. We searched for that damn idol for so long but couldn't find it, which really hurt. Hope he's still around when this game ends, I want to talk to him more. icon_weep
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By Nick
#6249 18th place

Hoo boy, do I have a lot to say about this girl. Well, it all started when Alecia wanted to send Neal home, and I wasn't having any of it. So I assembled Neal and Kyle, told them their names were on the chopping block (which they were), and hoped to send her packing. Obviously Aubry and Tai defected and ruined this, but that was that. Alecia proceeded to tell everyone on her new tribe that I was evil along with Tai. Clearly that worked out for her. Never fuck with a Sheikh, he's got friends in high places. icon_cool icon_mml

(Also Tai is just Alecia 2.0, she still has her hand in his back after all this time.)
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By Nick
#6250 17th place

There are no words for this girl. She's the best fucking player Stranded's had, and she got taken out because she had bad gas. Truly a hero, must come back for All-Stars, along with myself of course. icon_sick
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By Nick
#6251 16th place

I'll start with Phillip here, because he'll be the easiest. I didn't know him at all, but at the challenges/tribe swap he seemed like a real funny guy.

Krista was such a nice girl: funny, likable, smart, the whole package. Sadly that's what got her the boot. She was too threatening, so we needed to cut her loose before the merge so she couldn't reunite with her pals.

I'm sure everybody'll have something to say about Garrett. I didn't know him very well, so I'll keep mine about him brief. He insulted poor Neal for like, no reason, which really confused the hell outta me. And then apparently he hated me with a passion according to Spencer. I've also heard about that tribal he got voted out, but I won't elaborate since I wasn't there.
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By Nick
#6252 13th place

Fran was playing an ok game, certainly wasn't a threat to anyone. But she was never on, and I knew we could flush Julia's public idol if we made her scared and vote for someone who they'd never give an idol to. RIP Sheikh #1, she got Alecia out for me. icon_chaos
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By Nick
#6253 12th place

Julia was such a nice girl, I never had anything against her on Aomak, she never said anything harmful to me like Alecia and Tai. She was so bubbly and excited for challenges, wish we coulda kept her around longer. But she would never play an idol twice in a row, so we needed to vote her. Julia, my fellow 15 year old, love ya to death icon_wub
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By Nick
#6254 11th place

Trish turned her back on our alliance and almost took Spencer out. People thought she was masterminding both sides, but in the end, neither really trusted her fully. She was voted out and from a game perspective, that was good for both sides. She never really thought things out clearly and always wanted to stick to the plan. And if she had her way, I would've been gone in place of Fran. icon_chaos
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By Nick
#6255 10th place

Big Spence... targeted ever since the jury, surprised he survived through two of those. He was my best buddy in the game, so the gang left me out. The sad thing was they didn't wanna leave me the only one in the cold, so they left poor Morgan out too. Of course I had to play it like we weren't that close, but we were pretty tight: I'm pretty sure we thought we could beat eachother at the end. Didn't deserve this, poor guy. icon_weep
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By Nick
#6256 9th place

This vote makes me mad. Morgan hardly did anything wrong, she was just unfortunate enough to be left out of the Spencer vote with me. All the while she kept being heckled for being a goat. But what really rustles me is that nobody felt up to taking Andrea out yet. So I decided, yeah, it'd be best to vote with the majority on this one - Andrea's a threat, so the longer she's in, the less of a threat I'll be. Morgan knew she was done for, though.
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By Nick
#6257 8th place

Hey, who's this handsome guy?

Welp, I don't mean to be bitter, but I got twistfucked. I had no time to plan anything or prepare for the tribal. If I did, it's confirmed I probably would have been able to take Andrea out, her being such a big threat and all. It's honestly confusing: I was voted most hated by the jury, most likely to wrongly think they're in control, and had came dead last in the last two challenges, yet I WAS THE BIGGER THREAT. Completely bullshit. Don't know how it was unanimous. icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_mystery icon_mystery
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By Nick
#6258 7th place

Lindsey was extremely smart, likable, and was probably the only one left who stood a chance against Andrea. Another idol flush, meaning every idol played in this game had been played wrong. All four were, but I'll get to the 4th later. Hard way to go out, using your idol on someone else. But Andrea was always great at making some feel comfortable and others feel in danger. icon_shifty
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By Nick
#6259 6th place

Best player in this game (other than the king of course icon_king )

Andrea was honestly so nice, so funny, and so good at manipulating people. And it worked. Me and Morgan saw her as a threat, we went home. Lindsey tried to idol her out, she went home. She was too big of a threat, and I was honestly really surprised she lasted so long. But I think everyone was rooting for her here. icon_wub
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By Nick
#6260 5th place


How many individual immunities did he win? I think it was 4 but I might be wrong. Honestly he was the only smart option, he would've bossed that final immunity challenge, and probably would've gone on to win. No offense, but he really didn't do too much thinking for himself. Him and Nat alike kinda just rid on Andrea's coattail. Maybe it was different, but not from what I saw. I love and trust this man, though. Even if he is Canadian. icon_lol
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By Nick
#6261 4th place

So close, yet so far girl. I love ya, but let's be honest: you didn't deserve to get this far. You followed right behind Andrea, doing whatever she said to do, up until her vote out though, which was good, but a no-brainer. Not to mention you didn't even SHOW UP for the final immunity challenge. That didn't help I'm sure. icon_weep
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By Nick
#6262 Final 3

Welp, here we are: a very underwhelming final 3.

Aubry is such a nice girl, she played a great social game. Both alliances liked her and accepted her, even after she voted against both multiple times. But she really was inept when it came to the game. She didn't do much thinking for herself, she was just never too big a threat, and now she's here. Very great girl though, my day 1, good luck with FTC icon_wub

LJ I really don't know much about. He never made much of an impression on me. He was a funny, charming guy in the times I talked to him, but I just don't know. However, even being a threat in everyone's eyes, he somehow slid by throughout the whole of the game. Slick.

Now I've got a lot to say about Tai, but I'll save most for FTC. He was an asshole to me throughout the entirety of the game. Never had any intention of working with me. He said some very nasty things to me, and I still don't know why. I told him since both of us weren't gonna vote for eachother in the end, we should go together so we both had more of a chance. Just brushed it off, though. Can't wait for the fireworks of FTC. icon_censored icon_redface
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