By Flicka Flame
#5946 Well, it's been a long journey to get here, but you're here. You've made it to the final 3! You've done what 18 others could not and did not do. Congratulations, LJ! icon_excited

However, the game is not quite over yet. You still need to make sure that the jury awards enough votes to be the winner of Stranded in Socotra.

So, give me the scoop! How confident are you in your ability to win?

Whose votes do you think you will be getting from the jury?

Whose votes do you think you won't be getting and what can you do to convince them to vote for you?
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Flicka Flame

  • Posts: 32
#6027 I think I will 100% get Lindsey.

I feel pretty confident I can get Trish.

I think I have a chance at pulling Morgan.

If everything goes right and I get those three, I just need two more right?

Aubry has Steve, Natalie, and Julia locked in I think.

Which means Nick, Spencer, and Andrea are the deciding votes?

Can I get two of those three? Andrea will go to Aubry I think.

Nick and Spencer. Yikes.

They are both smart and both came to play. I think they will vote for who they see as playing the best game. Obviously this is Aubry, but at least it means they are winnable votes.

I'm still mulling it over but I think my approach will be really hammering home PATIENCE, LOYALTY, ADAPTABILITY?

Like I didn't make BIG MOVES, but I was patient and waited for the right opportunities to come to me. I'm going to push HARD that voting out Morgan was the turning point in the game and that it was a huge win for me. A really SMART MOVE, you know?

Talk up Nick and Morgan if the opportunity comes up, and mention Spencer as someone I wish I had gotten to know better.

Basically write off Steve and Julia and for the most part Natalie.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6298 21st place

Woo was an early favorite of mine. I liked him a lot. I was never really sure if the whole "Woo is going crazy and lying to everyone" thing was actually true or not. It's too bad we lost that first challenge. Seeing how things ended up going - we should have voted Morgan out there.

20th place

I never met Kyle and I never saw his season of Survivor so I have absolutely nothing to say about him. He looks happy in his picture. I'm sure he is a great person.

19th place

I never met Neal either, but I thought he was funny in the early challenges.

18th place

Again, never met Alecia. I do remember liking her though. I always liked when she would argue with Nick publicly about participating in challenges. I wish she had made the merge. Maybe we would have had better numbers.

17th place

This is getting repetitive : /

She got removed from the game for being inactive right? If that's the case then she sucks.

16th place

I remember being annoyed that Krista was clearly trying to cheat in that ball challenge.

Phillip was a cool guy. I wish Fran had given up her immunity there. We would have voted her out instead.

Garrett should be on All Stars. He was crazy and could be frustrating at times but deep down I loved it and I know everyone else did too.

13th place

Fran was nice and I think she was more active before the merge, but imagine how much the game would have changed with Krista, Garrett, or Phillip in her place?

12th place

I'm sitting in the final three DESPITE Julia. She nearly torpedoed this entire thing. She made about a million terrible decisions in the span of two post-merge rounds. I wish I had gotten to know her better. I really liked her in the short time we had together.

11th place

Trish was wild. Great, fun personality and obviously a bit of a schemer. Honestly, and this is nothing against them, but it would have been much more fun going up against her down the stretch than Andrea and her people. I think there would have been a lot more give and take and surprising votes.

10th place

I kind of had it out for Spencer from like the second the game started and that always clouded my judgement with him. Everything he did had to have some kind of sinister ulterior motive in my mind. I have no idea if I was right or not, but he was a good guy and I wish I had taken the time to get to know him better.

9th place

Morgan was a firecracker. Even if I was generally on the receiving end of it, I loved her attitude and her energy. MORGAN I RESPECT YOUR WORK ETHIC.

8th place

Nick told me after the Spencer vote how he had hoped to be the big villain of the season. I thought it was hilarious that he would say that. Why would you admit that to someone? Like Spencer, I wish I had taken the time to get to know him better. He seemed like a good guy and a fun personality. He should take his 8th place finish as a compliment. Big threat.

7th place

Lindsey was my only real ally from day one and she'll probably be my only real ally tomorrow night. Our relationship was interesting. I had more chit chatty conversations with other people but nobody else came even close to Lindsey on a strategic or trust level. I would have never hesitated to go all the way to the end with her.

6th place

I really enjoyed Andrea on a personal level, but absolutely HATED dealing with her when it came to the strategy of the game. She's great though. Wonderful person and very good at the social side of the game.

5th place

Steve was cool. He's a Bills fan which is funny. What are the odds of two Bills fan being in this game together? Seems like someone that would be really cool to hang out with in real life.

4th place

Natalie would have won if she made it to the end. She played a perfect UTR, go the end with the only two people not in your huge alliance, game. Her only mistake was putting her fate in the hands of the only two people with no ties to her. Labels and threat status don't matter if you're sitting on the jury. Natalie and I didn't talk A TON, but I somehow managed to feel like I genuinely liked her in just a short period of time? I think we were playing similar, deliberately quiet games and I of course respect anyone who does something the way I do it.

Final 3

I like both of these people a lot.

Tai took a lot of crap from people over the course of the merge and always kept it pretty classy in return. I don't think he will win, but if he manages to pull it off I'd be thrilled for him. He deserves it.

Aubry is so positive and friendly it's kind of contagious. Even though she is my direct competitor here, I can't help but root for her to win.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
Hey guys,

Before I get into my spiel here, I just want to quickly thank the hosts for putting this whole thing together, and thank all of you for your part in making it so much fun.

It’s tempting to use this opening statement to kind of pre-emptively defend myself against anything I think you all will say, but that’s no fun. I’ll just keep it short and sweet and we can get into whatever you want to get into later.

I know that because I was never aligned with most of you, it’s easy to be mad that I’m here instead of you or your preferred winner, but I think if you set all that aside and look at how I got here you’ll see a deserving winner.

I came into this game with the intention of doing a few things. I wanted to lay low, be flexible, and stay loyal to my allies.

Despite an OVERWHELMING numerical disadvantage at the merge, I made it to the end without compromising any of those goals.

There were times when I could have pushed to make noisier moves just for a quick, one round impact. But those things would have made me a bigger, more visible target. My goal was always to be sitting here in the end, not to be seen as the strongest player at final 10. I was driven by PATIENCE and LONG-TERM thinking. I’ve always thought “big moves” were overrated. I prefer “smart moves.”

I always stayed open to other people’s ideas. I never got stuck in my own ways or got stubborn about a vote. ADAPT OR DIE, right?

The thing I’m most proud of though is that I’m sitting in the final three without EVER turning on the people that helped me get here.

So basically, those are some of the things I think I did right.

I look forward to hearing from you guys about some of the things I did wrong.

Hit me with your best shot and I’ll give you the most honest answers I possibly can.

Thanks guys and have fun.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6300 I might edit this line

"without EVER turning on the people that helped me get here"

That could set me up for a tough one from Morgan or Spencer.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6328 SECOND ROUGH DRAFT (use this one if I don't post anything else)

Honestly, I’m tempted to sit here right now and fire off a huge list of counterpoints to all the negative things I think you might have to say to me tonight, but that’s no fun and I’m sure nobody wants an opening statement that reads like a legal brief. I’ll just give you my quick talking points on why LJ should be your Stranded in Socotra winner and then you guys can hit me with whatever you want from there.
Let’s jump right into this:

Outwit, outplay, outlast, right? I know it’s a total cliché but I’M DOING IT ANYWAY.

Now I’m sure there’s at least a few of you who aren’t sitting there thinking, “Boy, LJ sure outwitted me” or “Whew, that LJ outplayed us alright” but I think we can all agree that I OUTLASTED you without going into this big, deep explanation. There’s no arguing that I’m sitting here despite an overwhelming numerical disadvantage.

My goal here tonight is to shine a little light onto the other two elements.

The first few rounds after we merged were rocky, I won’t deny that – but from the moments after Trish was eliminated to when I wrote down Natalie’s name a few days ago – nearly everything felt like it went exactly the way I wanted it to (I love Aubry, but if Lindsey were sitting here in her place I wouldn’t have to throw that nearly in there).

While my game was certainly… understated, there was a lot more to it than most of you saw. It was a game of PATIENCE, ADAPTABILITY, and LONG-TERM THINKING and I’d love the chance to share it with you.

Hopefully you guys are interested in hearing more.

If not, I look forward to whatever it is you all have to say and I’ll answer any questions as honestly as I possibly can.

Have fun guys, and thanks for THE MEMORIES.

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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6437 I don't understand these essays that people do for opening statements. I never actually read all that. It seems boring to me. I mean she's going to win so who am I to judge, but just saying.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6438 Also I'm going to be live-blogging this here DEAL WITH IT
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6441 Yeah, not reading that. Love you Tai but I don't want to have to get out my binder to take opening statement notes.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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#6451 I picked all three numbers so I get her vote right? These other two suck at Survivor.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6486 Julia on the board.

Aubry - 1
Tai - 0
LG - 0
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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#6544 I think Steve is voting Aubry but wants to be reassured by her first.

Aubry - 2
Tai - 0
LJ - 0
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6550 Man they're hammering over this no moves thing. I need to incorporate that soon.

Also I'm giving myself Morgan's vote because I outsmarted her question.

Aubry - 2
LJ - 1
Tai - 0
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6636 Could I actually get Natalie's vote? That would be nuts.

Aubry is hurting herself with her argument that she was the most everything player here. People want to hear that they are better than you, duh.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6656 I'm going to give Natalie and Spencer's votes to Aubry because I'm a negative person.

Aubry - 4
LJ - 1
Tai - 0

If I can get Lindsey and Trish this might be interesting?
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6686 Tai is getting feisty. Keep your cool, bro.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6688 I'll give Nick to me because if I give him to Aubry there's no point in keeping track anymore.

Aubry - 4
LJ - 2
Tai - 0
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6827 I love how one of the only votes I thought I could get is awarding their vote to BEST POEM.

This is my life.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6924 DAAAAAAANG Andrea going to town on Tai here.

Honestly, at this point I hope he wins. Me and Aubry have had it easy. He deserves the happy ending.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#6991 Again, I find the "Tai is a bully" thing interesting. Why do they always gang up on him FOR BEING A BULLY. Do they not see the irony in this?
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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