By Jeff Probst
#3510 So that was an unexpected vote.

Where do you stand now and how does this change your game going forward? Have you ramped your game up in an effort to win?
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Jeff Probst

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Jeff Probst wrote:
Wed May 10, 2017 9:19:46 pm
So that was an unexpected vote.

Where do you stand now and how does this change your game going forward? Have you ramped your game up in an effort to win?
Two things first:

1) I was totally wrong about that vote and Aubry was right so I'll give her credit. I didn't buy for a second that they were actually voting Spencer.

2) I've talked to Andrea a lot over the last couple days and I just want to make a point of saying that I think she's great on a personal level and anything negative I have had to say about her is only related to the way she's played the game so far. I still think she's a fake and a liar but she is very nice and I enjoy talking to her anyway. I just have a hard time believing anything she says about the game because of her track record.

As for your questions-

I think it CAN change my position. If Nick and Morgan go after Andrea (which I think is a bad move for them) and Andrea and Steve go after Morgan in return, well hey look at quickly we just became the cool kids in school.

If that's how it plays out, I'd rather go for Morgan but be upfront with Nick about it and hope he'll work with us next round. Morgan and Natalie need to go before it's too late and they lock down F3 spots. If they are the next two votes- Me, Lindsey, Tai, Aubry, and Nick could split on Andrea/Steve and get rid of the idol and control the game.

My goal at this point is a me, Lindsey, Tai final three. I don't think Tai has a chance there and Lindsey will probably beat me, but I think it's my best option right now.

And yes I'm playing much more visibly now which as you may recall was my plan all along. I wanted to get to this point without super high strategic visibility or social position. It might be too tough to turn it around here but I think I'm in a spot where people won't see me as a big threat to win until it's too late.

If we can get these numbers sorted out.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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Ozzy Lusth wrote:
Thu May 11, 2017 9:46:41 am
How's your relationship with Nick? Do you think he'll be on board with your plan to boot Morgan?
As of right now, all signs seem to be pointing to Andrea which feels like a mistake to me. Even Steve is pushing for it.

As long as Andrea is in the game there's a huge target taking attention off of the rest of us. With her gone everything goes up in the air.

Why are these people so shortsighted?

I think they are all so paranoid about going home that they just think about surviving each round.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#3752 Do you intend on going with the Andrea vote or do you have something else in mind? What do you think is going through Andrea's mind right now?
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Kelly Wigles

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Kelly Wigles wrote:
Thu May 11, 2017 6:45:56 pm
Do you intend on going with the Andrea vote or do you have something else in mind? What do you think is going through Andrea's mind right now?
I think they are up to something now.

I told Natalie that I thought Morgan was a safer vote, and she said that she agreed but that Andrea needs to go at some point because she's dangerous. When I said that I agreed but that I thought Andrea would always be dangerous and a target for votes, she was basically like "Ok Morgan it is, what should we tell Morgan?"

There's no way I go from bottom of the game to convincing people with one sentence that quickly.

I know my paranoid conspiracy theory was wrong last round, but I think this time I MUST be right haha.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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#3763 Lindsey is on her way home from the store and Tai responds once an hour.

And, as always, we're just hoping to hear from Aubry before tribal starts.

At least we are consistent.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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#3766 Just so I have it on the record:

Here's my prediction for what we see tonight:

3-3 split on some combination of me, Lindsey, Tai and 3 votes for either Morgan or Andrea. Lindsey's idol is meaningless because she can't save two people, and depending on the tiebreaker one of us is done.

Aubry finally reveals herself as the villain mastermind.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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Kelly Wigles wrote:
Thu May 11, 2017 7:18:26 pm
How so?
We're kind of being held hostage by Aubry AGAIN. Like last round, we have to vote how she votes so we have a majority if the other 5 try any kind of split.

She never really comes through for us yet we always rely on her. I keep waiting for the big reveal that she's been playing us this whole time.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
Kelly Wigles wrote:
Thu May 11, 2017 7:53:34 pm
That's interesting having one person have so much sway in a group
Frustrating also.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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