By Jeff Probst
#4766 Final 5!!!

Down to the nitty gritty now.

Now it's not only about getting to the end, but also winning. You only have 2 more episodes to prove to the jury you earned the win, or else you will be left "explaining" why you should win, which will be very difficult. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

So what's your plan to prove to the jury that you deserve the win?
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Jeff Probst

  • Detwah Tribe
  • Posts: 1089
Jeff Probst wrote:
Mon May 15, 2017 9:48:04 pm
Final 5!!!

Down to the nitty gritty now.

Now it's not only about getting to the end, but also winning. You only have 2 more episodes to prove to the jury you earned the win, or else you will be left "explaining" why you should win, which will be very difficult. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

So what's your plan to prove to the jury that you deserve the win?
Pardon my French but how ridiculous would be if I somehow manage to bumblefuck myself into a final 3 with Natalie and Tai and my only realistic chance of winning????

My plan is win these next two immunites, somehow get Aubry out without losing her vote, and winning this game.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#4789 I actually think NATALIE wins in that scenario which is nuts.

But I have to move for it. I can't beat Aubry or Steve.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
By Kelly Wigles
#5031 Hey LJ, do you mind talking to us about your journey so far in the game? What's the worst case scenario for you, aside from being voted off, in these last few rounds?
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Kelly Wigles

  • Detwah Tribe
  • Posts: 96
Kelly Wigles wrote:
Tue May 16, 2017 12:05:54 am
Hey LJ, do you mind talking to us about your journey so far in the game? What's the worst case scenario for you, aside from being voted off, in these last few rounds?
It's been wild right? After that botched Nick vote and Fran going home I never would have guessed I'd make final five.

Even though I've been pretty much constantly outnumbered and had to swallow way more lies from people like Andrea and Steve than I would have liked, I've had a lot of fun! I guess I just always kept in mind that SOMEONE had to wake up eventually and do something and as long as we kept trying things, something would finally work.

If Natalie continues to be smart, I have a pretty clear path to the FTC.

It will be interesting if I do make it. How do I sell my constant failures to make something happen as a positive??

I think the jury will be out for blood with a final 3 of me Natalie and Tai.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#5116 As for tonight - I almost think my best bet is to let Steve win immunity and hope he goes after Aubry.

It's the only way I can get to the end without her that doesn't leave her mad at me. I think? She might be mad still which is silly considering how many times she's lied to me about a vote but what can you do, you know? People are going to be mad if they want to be mad.

If Steve doesn't win I think it has to be him or he will win the next one.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
#5126 Steve is pushing hard for Aubry to go tonight. This might be best case scenario for me?

If Steve, Tai, and Natalie all vote Aubry then there is nothing I can do about it, but I can tell her it's coming and not vote for her. What I lose in allowing Tai to be the shot caller on this vote I hopefully gain back with her vote?
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
  • Posts: 308
