7th Place | 6th Juror | Voted Out 4 - 3
By Jeff Probst
#4483 You were great! <3 <3

What did you learn about yourself? How did you like the game? What did you learn about Survivor? What do you regret if anything? How would you play differently? Would you do another season?

I'm sure we'll see you again ;)
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Jeff Probst

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By Lindsey
#4546 Thanks, it really means a lot. I know all the mods stay (somewhat) impartial and unbiased, but I could sense that some were rooting for me to make it all the way <3

I learned a lot about myself, and I also learned some valuable lessons. While I'm really bummed I got out at 7 and didn't make it to the end, I know WHY I got out, and honestly, I take it as a huge compliment that Aubry must find me as more of a threat than Andrea, somehow. I know I was booted because they didn't want me polluting their game anymore: I was the #1 thing from stopping an easy flow. They knew they needed to break up me and LJ, and I'm shocked they didn't sooner. I went through like, 6 votes not immune, where I didn't play the idol but almost did each time.

It's what every Survivor player says when they get voted out: I got too comfortable. I got too comfortable with having the idol, with feeling like the votes weren't actually going for me. I also learned a lesson that I try to remind myself every day: be more selfish. I know it sounds crazy, and I'm no fucking Mother Teresa or some bullshit, but I should've been greedy. I should've just said "you know what, it's this or next vote I play my idol, I should just play it on myself here to be safe." And I played it on Tai, who has already had an idol played on him! I was just trying to keep numbers, because I do agree with what Tai said at tribal. I think their side wanted to paint him as more of a conniver than he ever was, and that he couldn't be trusted so LJ and I wouldn't build stronger. But, he's been trustworthy with me this entire time. I was going to bring him or Aubry to the final with LJ and I if it was my decision.

So, to answer your other, way more exciting questions: I would play again tomorrow! I had the time of my life and I feel so lucky and grateful that I was reached out to and introduced to Stranded! I really do admire all the work y'all must put in, and if I had the chance to play again, would I change anything?

Yeah, I would be more cutting. I think I was too trusting, too NICE (which I snort at because that's not the first word I would use to describe myself). I think I would be a little more cutthroat, and look out for myself over anyone.
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