7th Place | 6th Juror | Voted Out 4 - 3
By Lindsey
Jeff Probst wrote:
Thu May 11, 2017 10:12:52 pm
Congrats! You made final 7!!

Now what?
Well, that was fun! Honestly, I'm glad things happened the way they did, what that impromptu tribal without chat did. It made it so we don't go into the weekend with Nick and Andrea both in the game, giving them time to scheme and plot and work their way deep.

Now what? Hmm, well, the way I see it, the person furthest from me in this game is Natalie. While I don't trust her, nor do I care much to try to get to know her at this point (since she's made it clear she doesn't care for me), I don't really see her as a threat.

Steve would be second furthest. I like my conversations with him, I think he's a neat dude, and I also don't want to go to the end with him. I think we need Steve out sooner than everyone else thinks.

Then? Well, as I see it now, Andrea and Aubry are kind of on the same level for me. I can trust Aubry more, and I would definitely rather bring her with me to the final, but I feel like Andrea and I have bonded more over the last few days.

Problem is, I feel like that's just how she is with everyone. She's good.

Then Tai, he's such a curveball in this game. I really didn't trust him at first after the time we voted Nick, but I don't really think he has anyone else in the game that will hear him out or talk strategy with him aside from myself and LJ. And hey, I actually like Tai. I think he's smart and knows what's up more than people give him credit for. He talks candidly with LJ and I about the votes and what will be best down the line.

I think if it ended up being a final 3 with LJ, Tai and I, my chances of winning would be pretty high. LJ is quite the contender. He's been as trustworthy as he can be thus far, and I really want to go to the end with him.

But, it could end up being my demise. :/
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By Lindsey
Jonathan Penner wrote:
Fri May 12, 2017 7:08:23 am
Hi Lindsey!

If you make it to the end, what's your main argument for why the jury members should vote for you? Have you thought about your "resume"?
I've absolutely been thinking about my resume and especially over the last few days, and after the last few vote outs. I feel like as the game is now with the seven left, I have a pretty good shot at winning his game. I would say I've definitely have my work cut out for me and final three with Andrea and LJ. They are my top is competitors, and because of that, I almost want to bring them to the end with me. While I do think I will end up going to the ending with LJ, as promised, it seems clear to me that everyone on the jury and everyone left in the game would vote for Andrea at the end. I think as it stands currently, my best bet is to bring Tai and LJ with me. Though I think LJ has a shot at winning this game, I think he has played less of a game that I have and I think I could pitch to the jury why I deserve to win over him.

If I go next I know I wouldn't vote for half of the people left in this game. I think Steve is a much bigger threat than people give them credit for, and if he goes to the end with people like Natalie and Tai, he will take the whole thing.

As I see it now, it's three of us versus three of them, with Aubry in the middle. While I feel like she's more on our side and we haven't done anything to lose her trust, she is very wishy-washy and hard to pin down some times. That alone worries me and trusting her to go to the end. I also think the jury has nothing but positive feelings for her. I know that Trish wanted to get her out because she was worried that she could beat her in the end.

I think that I've done enough in this game that no one would consider me a goat, it would be hard for me to see that argument be made. While I think I could be doing more to make "big movez", I guess I've just been lucky that I haven't had to thus far! I've been lucky that since the merge, I've been in the minority, and each person on the jury currently is either an ally of mine, or can surely understand why I voted them out over one of their closer alliance members. I think I formed enough bonds in this game, or at least I hope that I have, to convince the jury to vote for me over someone like LJ who I believe doesn't do as much campaigning or bonding with the other players as I do. Heck, for all I know, he's doing twice as much as I am!
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By Lindsey
#4298 One quick note: Andrea had been campaigning for Tai to go next last night right after Nick was sent home. We have the whole weekend, but she tells me immediately that Tai doesn't "fit into her final 6 plan". Well of course he doesn't! He's not YOUR number!

I feel like it's talk like mentioning what's best for your own game that will get you cut. It's always better to try and pitch it to someone as if it's their idea, or at least beneficial to them as well!
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By Kimmi Kappenberg
#4306 Since you and LJ have been playing side by side this whole game, can I ask how you'd plan on differentiating your game from his in a FTC scenario? You said you feel like he's played less of a game than you have, would you mind elaborating?
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