- Wed May 10, 2017 12:02:41 am
I don't know much (... anything) about the history of Stranded. But in Survivor, the newer seasons are all about voting blocs/trust clusters/etc. - FLUIDITY in voting patterns. The idea of hard, unbreakable alliances is an older concept. Pagongings still happen, but with much less regularity in newer seasons... or at least, in the #BIGMOVEZ era of Survivor, Pagongings are really frowned upon if you get to the end unless you were the undeniable ringleader of your alliance. So while I'm on the bottom of both alliances... is that really a bad thing? In early days of Survivor, that'd be a death sentence. But I can move undetected from side to side, getting who I want gone when, while the bigger fish are trying to fry each other. If the jury respects that kind of play (as "new school" Survivor juries tend to), I think I'm playing a great game. If the jury responds more to "old school" staying loyal to your alliance at all costs, then I'm fucked both in terms of getting to the end and getting jury votes.
In the majority, there seem to be two power couples and two single people who are completely swayable. The couples are Nick/Spencer ("SpeNicker," credit to Steve), and Nat/Andrea ("Natdrea"). Steve and Morgan have been feeling like they're on the bottom for a while and have been talking to me about options, though never doing anything. Breaking up those couples would be disastrous in terms of the shit storm the other half would cause... But it has to be done.
I freaking wanted me and Steve and Morgan to vote with Tai/LJ/Lindsey to get majority and get someone big out. Like Andrea, shit is she playing hard. But wishy washy ass Steve (.... understandably) didn't want to work with wishy washy ass Morgan. And that was really my only play without recruiting part of a couple, which I thought was a bad idea. At the time, I thought the two couples were pretty tight with each other.
But...... Andrea. Andrea wanted to get out Spencer not this time, but next time. And Steve was the same, "we gotta thin out the minority for one more vote blah blah blah." Let one of my crew leave? I don't think so!!!! I brought out a lot of points (including but not limited to "ok but if we get them out now, it's pointless. If we save them and work with them for a little longer? Hello jury votes!") to vote out Spencer NOW. And that bug worked!!!
Andrea and Nat approached Steve and I to vote out Spencer. We could have left it at that, but the minority is also in on it now because Andrea has problems with numbers lol. So this game is about to turn on its head next vote AND ANDREA'S GONNA GET THE CREDIT?!?!?! FUCK, THIS WAS MY IDEA DAMMIT!!!! Why does Morgan have to be so SKETCHY we could have done this WITHOUT ANDREA UGH.
Steve brought up a good point that this may just put us at the bottom of ANOTHER alliance.... yeah, maybe for him. Lindsey, I do need to get her out eventually. She's so good at this game and doesn't trust me that much, I think. But LJ and Tai I would do anything for, and I think that's reciprocated af. The current minority alliance would not have me on the bottom! After this vote, that three can keep working with Lindsey and Steve (Morgan????) for f9 and f8 to get out more couples and shit (turn on Natdrea), and run this whole game. THIS WHOLE GAME. I can see the end!!!
Here's my ideal path to the end, with this new development:
10th place is spencer
9th is andrea
8th and 7th is nick and nat (couples completely gone now)
6th is steve
5th is lindsey (bye threats!!)
4th (which will be precarious for me af...) is tai
F3 of me, Morgan, LJ. That's my win condition. I don't even see a need for the idol at all, with the way this could go.