By Jeff Varner
#2925 Hi Aubry.

1. What happened in tonight's vote? Were you surprised by any of the votes or did it go how you expected?

2. Have you started to consider your path to the end? If so, what's it look like? And how do you like your odds of winning?

3. Is it too soon to consider jury votes? If so, when do you start? If not, what do you make of our first juror?

4. Please give us a trust ranking and maybe include a score out of 10 for each person with a brief reason for that score.
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Jeff Varner

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By Aubry
#2950 I will respond to these questions.

But right now...

RIP Julia. Im sincerely fucking upset. If we had switched like everyone else, you would still be here. THIS IS MY FAULT THAT MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND IS GONE. And now everyone knows it whatever I just can't believe how naive i feel.

Can't wait to see you on the other side, Julia. You know what, if I'm on Ponderosa sooner rather than later, having you there wouldn't be too bad at all. I almost look forward to it.
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By Aubry
#2959 The morning after.

As shitty as that was, I think I still pulled out okay. The first (!) jury member is my best friend. If anyone goes in there raging against me, the queen of Ponderosa will speak up for me and I know that for a fact. Of course you never want your besties to get voted out, but if they do, this was a damn good time for it.

Also, my perception of what was happening yesterday afternoon was sooooooo off. It was #3 (everyone's just quiet), and no one was going after me at all (except Trish maybe, if Spencer can be believed).

It seems like there are two sides right now. Andrea/Nick/Spencer/Morgan/Natalie vs LJ/Lindsey/Tai. With me, Trish, and Steve in the middle. I also think LJ is with me unequivocally. Lindsey and Tai I like to hope are, but they may be pissed. LJ is too amazing also, he's like "It's the game" and sincerely wasn't mad at all!!! Like LJ is just the coolest guy, I can't even handle it. I want to be real life friends with him and Julia. Probably Tai, who knows, but I'm wary of him rn in the game.

The middle is a great but very precarious place to be in this game... Trish has shown herself capable of flipping either way, and Steve.... damn, I honestly don't know. I LIKE him, but can I trust him? Who knows!!!

Tai is so hated by the other side. He's still "starting shit" by saying the Natalie vote was Nick's idea. Hey, I'm Aubry, and that was MY IDEA. Dunno if Tai is protecting me by using this to try to pin Nick or he seriously thinks I'm a pure pawn here (probably the latter, and that serves me best right now. Don't want Tai thinking I have a brain of my own right now).

Last night I was really upset. If I weren't so obtuse, Julia would still be here. I can't beat myself up too much - last time I wasn't skeptical enough ("It can't be a unanimous Fran vote!! Too easy!!"), this time I was too skeptical ("Trish is flipping with us? Nah, too good to be true."). But damn... I feel like... not alone. I'm not alone, I have friends here. But this game is just not as fun without Julia. I miss her!!!! Last night I said to Nick that I understand why he didn't tell me the real vote and I really wasn't mad, which was true. I would have done that too, if I was in his shoes. Then he launched right into "OK SO WHO DO YOU TRUST" and I just couldn't handle that, not after I bungled the Spencer vote and said goodbye to Julia. And simultaneously Tai was like "YOU'RE NOT THINKING OF WORKING WITH NICK ARE YOU" (damn they really are at each others throats still) ... and I just couldn't handle it. So I told Nick "After tonight, idk. I'm a little upset right now... I'll get over it, but I'll have to get back to you." And he understood but whoops cuz then he must have sprung that to everyone.

So next thing I know, everyone's like "I know you're upset, I know she was your friend." And I repeatedly said "I mean we weren't that close, I would have voted her out. I'm less mourning her and more mourning the fact that I don't know what's happening in this game." I said that to downplay that she promised me her jury vote, should it come to that. That was probably the biggest lie I've ever told in this game, because I mourned Julia hard last night. Who cares that this game is always changing, if I can't play it with her! AUGH JULIAAAAA "Dream On" is playing in this cafe right now and it just seems so appropriate for my anguish about this!!!

Tai was pissed and all "I've consulted you about everything Aubry and I wish tonight ended differently, but we have to move forward" and I even typed out "how fucking dare you right now" and deleted it. Before the vote, he had said "Trish is with us," i said "?!!?", and THAT WAS IT. THAT'S A CONSULTATION???????????? Whatever Tai. You're clearly too good at this game for me. I'm annoyed with him, but if he is with me still (I think he is?!?!) then he's too valuable to ditch.

All in all, people were pretty understanding because I was very vocal about thinking Trish was full of shit. So yeah, I bungled it, but I don't think people blame me.

I didn't TRULY believe this, but I really hammed up the "Alliances are bullshit. I trust who I trust, and I trusted you. I can't believe you lied to me" and I think that worked a liiiiiiittle bit on Andrea and Spencer. It's naive to believe there aren't alliances, but I was trying to work my way into the majority!! And hopefully it worked enough that they'll be honest about the vote - probably gonna be Tai tonight, since it was gonna be Tai yesterday.

That's why, before this next tribal, I'm giving the Aomak idol to Tai.

I couldn't do it last night for fear of solidifying my place on the bottom and defeating the whole purpose of voting with Nick's side. But tonight? Fuck yes I can. If Tai shuts up about where he really got it (???) I can get away with that. Hopefully he can forgive me for lying about it.

There's a smalllll possibility I won't need to do that, and that fully depends on both Trish and Steve voting with me/LJ/Tai/Lindsey. If that happens, someone on the other side goes and that's it. I don't think this is gonna happen, though, so. Unless Tai wins immunity again tonight, it's his. I need his volatile ass around as a meat shield.
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By Aubry
#2960 Okay now that I'm done eulogizing Julia, on to your qs

1. What happened in tonight's vote? Were you surprised by any of the votes or did it go how you expected?

I didn't really think the vote would be Natalie - maybe 30% of me did. I didn't really care who it was, as long as I ~~~~proved my loyalty~~~~~ to the majority. Never dreamed they'd go after Julia, though. This was... the worst.

2. Have you started to consider your path to the end? If so, what's it look like? And how do you like your odds of winning?

I've definitely started to consider my way to the end. I'm playing the Adam Klein game of making sure I get there with as little blood on my hands as possible. I seem to have a hand in every honey pot (admittedly on the bottom of the majority though, at best). If I can get there... who knows. I'll have to make one hell of an FTC speech saying "AHA!!!! I KNEW ABOUT ALL OF THIS ALL ALONG!!!!!" because right now I'm really hamming up that im a free agent cuz im in the dark all the time blah blah blah. Which is mostly true, but I still think that's better than, say, a Tai game. So I think my odds of getting there are small, but there are so many hateable people here that my odds of winning, should I get there (F4 is gonna be PRECARIOUS), are good.

3. Is it too soon to consider jury votes? If so, when do you start? If not, what do you make of our first juror?

You start jury management right now, IMO. See also getting out of votes with clean hands. The Queen of Ponderosa is my best freaking friend, and I think that's an investment that will pay off big time if I can get to day 39.

4. Please give us a trust ranking and maybe include a score out of 10 for each person with a brief reason for that score.

LJ. 10/10. He's with me and I'm positive of that. Gosh he is just the best.
Lindsey. 8/10. On my side, but she's playing a little harder than LJ.
Tai. 8/10. Playing way harder than Lindsey, but he has my best interests in mind (I think).
Steve. 7/10. Not sure if I can trust him with a vote... at all. But he's so cool, and we both click well. Can that translate? Who knows
Nick. 5/10. I ~~~proved my loyalty~~~, so I think we're good. Tai is so after him though, I think this trust is only good for a jury vote at this point.
Andrea. 5/10. I really hammed up how "hurt" i was at her "betrayal," and I think that may have bought me some points with her. STILL PLAYING DEFENSE AT THIS POINT
Spencer. 4/10. He "spilled" to me about the obvious alliance. But I think he thinks he was really letting me in on something. He didn't really pick up on the fact that I didn't "save" him... I guess I did, but had I known the vote was Julia he'd be gone. Anyway, I don't trust him but I think he trusts me.
Natalie. 4/10. Similar to Spencer.
Morgan. 4/10. We have a good one on one working relationship, but she sold Julia out two votes ago. AND ALSO WHOOPS I FORGOT TO ACTUALLY CHAT HER UP ABOUT THE VOTE ANYWAY SO YEAH I FUCKED THAT UP. Probably good anyway though, since she would have spilled it.
Trish. 3/10. Yeah, she flipped. But Spencer said she threw my name out there. I don't trust her at all, but we probably need her.....
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