By Val Collins
#1403 Congrats on making the merge! Stranded is crazy from start to finish (and will only ramp up from here), so the mere fact that you’re here is an accomplishment.

So a 13 person merge. On a scale of fist fighting a quadriplegic to bungee jumping from the Empire State Building, how intimidating is that? What do you expect to happen for the first vote?

What are your thoughts about who the other tribes voted out? Disappointed? Relieved? Angry? Indifferent?

Give us an ol’ trust rankdown - order from 1-12 who you trust the most to least and a brief reasoning as to why.

You’ve been separated from several of your tribemates for a few rounds. Do you think any old tribal lines are still intact or are you gonna do your own thing?

What are your thoughts on idols? Do you think they were found? Who do you think has them?

Who is threat #1 right now? Who is threat #13?

Is there anyone you’re absolutely opposed to working with? Is there anyone you’re absolutely not voting out?
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Val Collins

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By Aubry
#1436 HA, honestly it's pretty intimidating when considering that (including myself), I only knew 7 people before merging. That's barely half!!! I only have skimmed the surface of relationships, duos, trios, OG tribe bonds, swap bonds... I know there's so much I don't know, and CAN'T know. Until I integrate and get to know everyone better one on one. But yeah... that number is intimidating for sure. On your scale, I'd say it's somewhere around playing a piano recital in public when you've never played in your life... but only like 6 people show up anyway so who cares. It looks bad at the outset, but I'm sure it'll all smooth out.

For the first vote... I expect Fran to go. I want her gone, Tai wants her gone (HOW DARE SHE VOTE OUT ALECIA!?!?), she's inactive, eff it. Bye bye. After that and maybe another easy vote like Morgan (inactive mostly it seems), who knows. I'll have to literally map out the relationships and how that will go. If I had MY way, my buddies (Tai, Julia, LJ, Nick, Lindsey) would rope one more person in (Nick likes Spencer, Julia likes Andrea, who knows. We have options) would run this whole thing. But there are too many moving pieces to say for sure.

The Garrett boot sounded wild. He would have been good to have around at merge even just to be bad at challenges, but whatever. On the flipside, Krista seemed like she would have taken this whole game if she had gotten this far. Not that I knew her, but I'm glad she's gone.


1. Julia. Love her to pieces and will never leave her side literally ever. A little concerned that she literally proposed a f4 with Andrea mere minutes after meeting her, but whatever. Julia forever.
2. Tai. I get the feeling that there's no love lost on his old tribe, but we'll have to see. It seems like he's 100% with me again (and I'm with him for sure!)

3. Nick. He seems to have formed some new connections, but was the FIRST to message me at merge. I think he's still 100% on my side, and honestly I'm liking him a lot more after the wildness of old Aomak. His sheikh bonds are worrisome, as is the love hexagon or whatever. He probably knows I have the idol, just because we used to talk really candidly about it and he hasn't brought it up yet.
4. LJ, I just love talking to the guy. And he's so sweet, he really felt bad about voting Phillip out I think. He spilled all the beans (not much to spill but w/e) about old Hadiboh, hopefully we can go far together
5. Lindsey. We didn't really talk much in the swap days, but she's pretty darn cool! I want to get to know her better, but she's got a great sense of humor and I trust her with the vote. I don't really know if she has anyone she's going back to from old Hadiboh - I'm really relying on LJ's intel there. But she and LJ seem pretty close anyway.

6. Steve. Really funny, he's gonna be great to talk to. From here down I have no trust whatsoever, as I just met most of them. Just first impressions at this point.
7. Natalie. Seems so friendly! We seem to connect on shared love of this game lol, I'm dying to know what other ORGs she's played tho
8. Spencer. Biased because I LOVE real Spencer. But he seems nice, and Nick can 100% vouch for him! Not sure how much that's worth after Kyle, buuuuuuut whatever, that's what I'm going on.
9. Andrea. SO AWESOME And I love her immediately, but I'm positive she has that impact on everyone. I would bet a lot of money that every single person here trusts Andrea a lot. So...... if she gives off that air to everyone, it's kind of like I can't trust her at all. But she's AWESOME THOUGH it's hard to fight that she's so instantly likeable.
10. Trish. No opinion yet, just getting to know. LJ hinted to be wary of her, and she also knows SOMEONE has the Aomak idol. So...... yeah, I'm on my guard for very superficial reasons.
11. Morgan. Only said hi so far. Seems fine.

I really hate the idea of sticking to any tribal lines, but I do love Tai and Nick is with me 100% also. So regardless of buff color, I think we'll run strong because of the bonds we've made. Except Julia and Tai are lowkey after Nick, so we'll see how long that lasts lololol

I have two of the idols heheehehh. I think that the purple one was probably found by Spencer, solely based on "who's had the most time to look for it." I'm not worried about that last one, as long as I have the other two!! Merge vote is pretty important, I'm looking forward to maybe using one...!
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