By Jeff Probst
#4505 Well... final 6!!! Huge accomplishment.

Only a few more votes until the game is over. How do you see your path to winning going? What final things can be done to secure the win for you?
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Jeff Probst

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By Aubry
#4571 THANKS JEFF!!!

Yep, here we go. It's getting grittier and grittier with each vote. Now that Lindsey's gone, I feel like I have many more options that will get me the W. But... work's not over yet.

Okay. I need a meat shield. It should be Andrea, as she's not as likely to win immunities. So I would LIKE her to be fourth place.

It would be GREAT if Steve was still around at that point in order to really ensure this. He's a freak with these challenges. And he is talking very seriously about taking me to the end. But... Tai says he would beat me. He's probably much more of a threat than I gave him credit for...

Meanwhile, LJ said he'd "happily lose to me" and would never blindside me at 4. Ugh, freaking LJ I'M SORRY THAT'S ALL MY CONFESSIONALS ARE ABOUT. I think Tai....... is a snake, and who knows if he would win. I'm inclined to believe he wouldn't. Lindsey didn't think he had a shot in hell, and maybe he doesn't. His relationships were always a shock to me (the Trish flip???), but I do think that, if I were against him, I'd still win.

So here's my ideal path now, with this new info. I know, it keeps changing, but isn't adaptability kind of the point? Hell it probably will change tomorrow cuz I'm exhausted lmao

F3 of me LJ and Tai. Probably an easy W there. The key is that Andrea and Steve - NEITHER OF THEM CAN BE THERE. LJ and Tai are both decent at challenges, so I feel good that they'll be able to beat my meat shield.

F4 is the vote out of my meat shield Andrea. It CAN'T BE STEVE because he's too good at challenges.

Which means F5 and F6 have to be Nat and Steve...

I want to break it down further, but the reality is that probably Steve is gonna get the boot the next time he loses. Be that tomorrow night or Wednesday. If he wins both............... Ugh, he can't win both. If he wins both, he's my new meat shield for f4 (no other choice, just gotta pray he loses) and Andrea gets the boot at f5.

Whoever it is tomorrow, Nat or Steve, they're gonna get idoled out by me. "The 4" of me Steve and Natandrea is pretty unstoppable without the idol. Also, last time I can use it... so why not. Gonna use the idol on whoever they want to vote for. If Steve wins, that may not even have to happen because he could be convinced to vote for Nat... but he'd probably insist on Andrea... ugh, idk, freaking Steve. Never know what he's gonna actually do, not just talk about.

Actually, exhaustion be damned, that seems pretty good to me. Let's map out possible jury votes for that f3 (sorry you can probably tell these confessionals are mostly my scratchpad LMAO). In that f3 of me, Tai, and LJ...

Julia: me
Trish: Me or Tai
Spencer: Me, maybe LJ
Morgan: Me
Nick: Me....?
Lindsey: LJ, maybe me. Probably LJ tho
Nat: Tai?
Steve: Me
Andrea: Me

Pending I don't fuck it up with Steve and Andrea in their vote outs, that's a definitive W for Aubry!!!!!
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