By Jeff Probst
#3505 So that was an unexpected vote.

Where do you stand now and how does this change your game going forward? Have you ramped your game up in an effort to win?
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Jeff Probst

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By Aubry
#3569 Will answer your qs but right now

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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Aubry
#3683 Okay soooooo

I'm here to win it, man. The more friends I can get on the jury that stay my friends, the better.

I really see a clear path to the end, FINALLY. Get out the threats while going far with my crew, cutting Lindsey and maybe Tai because they would win. I absolutely am in a fantastic spot going forward, because my crew is in a power position. That AND, Steve and I are really close working buddies, AND Andrea is bonded to me for life at this point.

This is a change that has been a long time coming, but the payoff has been worth it. I feel like I'm in control of literally everyone (except Nat... and Lindsey a little bit), and... before we have to start cutting off people close to each other, I feel like everything's coming up roses for MoxieAubs!!!
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Aubry
#3738 Ideally, I'd want Nat out because we're getting down to the nitty gritty, and I literally hardcore trust every single other person here except for Nat. But, I think that'll be a hard sell, so.

I'm hearing a fuckload of names. Morgan, Andrea, LJ, Lindsey. I'm honestly down for any of those EXCEPT LJ. He's no threat to me or to anyone to win (LOVE YOU LJ THO), and everyone else is either a lil sketchy to me (Morgan and Lindsey) or a lock to win (Andrea and prob Lindsey against me). So my next move honestly is, as usual, to make sure my crew makes it through.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#3739 Aubry, is your crew completely in the know about how you play and who you are loyal to?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Aubry
#3778 That is an EXCELLENT question.

If we're defining my crew as Lindsey, LJ, and Tai - even though I have to cut two of them - I think they do. Tai knows I gave him my idol and am fully infiltrated purely to help THEM survive, and Lindsey knows this also (I guess Tai told her). Idk whether it's trickled down the grapevine to LJ. That move in and of itself was enough to solidify it for sure, I think, for now anyway!

LJ and I talk a LOT, so maybe that makes up for him not knowing that move. And we had a final deal... idk, I need to talk to him more seriously about our relationship in the game.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Aubry
#3791 Oh glob I hope I don't come across as Debbie here, but no. I actually have FULL TRUST in almost everyone left in this game, and don't think I'm a target because I am ACTUALLY working with almost everyone. So right now? No, not worried at all. I'm riding the middle because both sides NEED ME.

But like... at f9 or f8, I'll have to choose a side definitely. Then whichever group I don't pick is going to be after my ass. THAT is what I'm worried about, finally being on the radar.

Luckily I have a lil necklace to help me out, if I'm lucky!!
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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