By Kimmi Kappenberg
#3179 Final 10! We're almost into single digits, how exciting is that? icon_ha

So with that in mind, what's the plan for you next? Are you going to shake things up any time soon? Do you think anyone else will if you don't?

What do you make of all the talk of Spencer and the idol? Do you buy it or do you think he's telling the truth?

What do you make of the way the votes fell tonight? Do you know where everyone voted?

Did your trust or respect for anyone rise or fall after that tribal?

What made you give your idol to Tai? And I have to ask, why did you vote for him after giving it to him?
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Kimmi Kappenberg

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By Jeff Varner
#3184 Hey Aubry, adding in another question for you:

I'm interested to know how you are perceiving yourself in the game and what you think the perception of you is among the rest of the tribe. Can you give me a status update of where you are in the game and how you feel about that position?
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Jeff Varner

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By Aubry
#3202 WOOHOO!! And officially in the upper 50%!!!

Historically, now's a good time for the majority to start eating itself from the inside. And I'm here for that!!! Steve is already talking about it, but freaking Steve. All talk. And he has a few tells, like he doesn't really think his messages through. He literally said "I'm in! I think!" today, so not really buying that.

I WILL say, I have really only lost one ally this whole game. Trish wasn't trustworthy, Alecia, all the others. Who cares. But now? The minority is PURELY trustworthy people for me. I need to keep my people. I need to think about how specifically to proceed, but it would be GREAT to kind of push that digestion of the majority along... I can't lose LJ, Lindsey, or Tai. Can't.

Andrea and Nick have agreed to protect my ass in the event of a Pagonging. Which, thanks, I guess. Buuuuut yeah, I'm done with them. I expected one lie, but damn. Two trashed votes? Fucking peace. How dare they tell me the vote is Tai so that I can then give Tai my idol and tell him to use it??? Fully aware that even if Tai were to say something no one would believe it???? HOW DARE THEY

I do think Spencer has the idol. Who else could have it?? I don't really care though tbh, you can't live in fear of idols or you'll never play the game. If Spencer idols me out, that's life. But I'll still go after him if I need to.

I just now realized I don't have a single vote yet. SLAY, ME!

I think I do know where everyone voted. Pretty standard for alliance lines, with me of course voting for a fake person.

My respect for Andrea and Nick hit the fucking dirt. Goodbye. You don't lie to me twice and expect me to come back for more. And they're the only ones who lied.

Morgan... Morgan is with me!!! For sure!! She lied to the minority alliance, but not to me! I thought she was a lil nuts but no! She told me to vote with Trish! So, more respect and wayyyyy more trust for her after this round. More respect to Trish too, but not trust. She just seemed so not trustworthy I just couldn't get over it.

I fucking love LJ so much like, outside of the game. Minutes after the vote he asked me if I watched the office, like he's just the chillest freaking guy.

Will answer the last two juicy q's tomorrow! ;)
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By Kelly Wigles
#3203 Hey Aubry, just a follow up to your answers, you mentioned going after Spencer the next round, Is it just out of a fear of an idol? If not, what would the logistics be of getting enough votes to vote him off?

Of the majority alliance, who do you feel is the weakest link? Why?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Aubry
#3262 Damn you hosts are amazing, I love just hearing (seeing?) myself talk.

"What made you give your idol to Tai? And I have to ask, why did you vote for him after giving it to him?"

I gave my idol to Tai because I didn't think the majority would be stupid enough to lie to me twice. They told me Tai, I thought the vote was Tai, so I gave him the idol to use. But they literally.... did!! They lied!!!! I can't believe it. So now I can't trust any of them worth a shit. And I'm looking out for my homies and my homies, period. I'm a snake in the majority's grass rn. I voted for Tai TO SHOW I WAS LOYAL TO THE MAJORITY, which is of course garbage. But now they really and truly believe I'm with them. And I knew he'd be safe anyway, so I wasn't afraid of him going.

"I'm interested to know how you are perceiving yourself in the game and what you think the perception of you is among the rest of the tribe. Can you give me a status update of where you are in the game and how you feel about that position?"

I think that I'm that likeable girl. No one is going after me because I have ties to EVERYONE. I'm a lesser social threat than Andrea, though, which is PERFECT. I have a meat shield every which way. No one is gunning for me, and everyone is coming to me with ideas. I am, however, on the bottom of both alliances. So, my real status in the game depends on whether this season of Stranded is "new school" or "old school." I like to think it's the former, and that I'm owning it.

"Hey Aubry, just a follow up to your answers, you mentioned going after Spencer the next round, Is it just out of a fear of an idol? If not, what would the logistics be of getting enough votes to vote him off?"

All I care about is keeping LJ Lindsey and Tai safe. And actually, the idol fear with him is HELPING that. At the time of this post, I'm working my ass off to get people on that majority to make a move, using the idol fear and "He and Nick are a couple!". It's not going too great though, because people want to wait one more vote.

"f the majority alliance, who do you feel is the weakest link? Why?"

Morgan, just because, like, what is she doing???? But she's also all over the place~
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#3263 Aubry, do you mind explaining to us the difference between "new school" and "old school" Stranded?

What's your perspective on how the relationships work over in the majority alliance?
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Kelly Wigles

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By Aubry
#3314 I don't know much (... anything) about the history of Stranded. But in Survivor, the newer seasons are all about voting blocs/trust clusters/etc. - FLUIDITY in voting patterns. The idea of hard, unbreakable alliances is an older concept. Pagongings still happen, but with much less regularity in newer seasons... or at least, in the #BIGMOVEZ era of Survivor, Pagongings are really frowned upon if you get to the end unless you were the undeniable ringleader of your alliance. So while I'm on the bottom of both alliances... is that really a bad thing? In early days of Survivor, that'd be a death sentence. But I can move undetected from side to side, getting who I want gone when, while the bigger fish are trying to fry each other. If the jury respects that kind of play (as "new school" Survivor juries tend to), I think I'm playing a great game. If the jury responds more to "old school" staying loyal to your alliance at all costs, then I'm fucked both in terms of getting to the end and getting jury votes.

In the majority, there seem to be two power couples and two single people who are completely swayable. The couples are Nick/Spencer ("SpeNicker," credit to Steve), and Nat/Andrea ("Natdrea"). Steve and Morgan have been feeling like they're on the bottom for a while and have been talking to me about options, though never doing anything. Breaking up those couples would be disastrous in terms of the shit storm the other half would cause... But it has to be done.

I freaking wanted me and Steve and Morgan to vote with Tai/LJ/Lindsey to get majority and get someone big out. Like Andrea, shit is she playing hard. But wishy washy ass Steve (.... understandably) didn't want to work with wishy washy ass Morgan. And that was really my only play without recruiting part of a couple, which I thought was a bad idea. At the time, I thought the two couples were pretty tight with each other.

But...... Andrea. Andrea wanted to get out Spencer not this time, but next time. And Steve was the same, "we gotta thin out the minority for one more vote blah blah blah." Let one of my crew leave? I don't think so!!!! I brought out a lot of points (including but not limited to "ok but if we get them out now, it's pointless. If we save them and work with them for a little longer? Hello jury votes!") to vote out Spencer NOW. And that bug worked!!!

Andrea and Nat approached Steve and I to vote out Spencer. We could have left it at that, but the minority is also in on it now because Andrea has problems with numbers lol. So this game is about to turn on its head next vote AND ANDREA'S GONNA GET THE CREDIT?!?!?! FUCK, THIS WAS MY IDEA DAMMIT!!!! Why does Morgan have to be so SKETCHY we could have done this WITHOUT ANDREA UGH.

Steve brought up a good point that this may just put us at the bottom of ANOTHER alliance.... yeah, maybe for him. Lindsey, I do need to get her out eventually. She's so good at this game and doesn't trust me that much, I think. But LJ and Tai I would do anything for, and I think that's reciprocated af. The current minority alliance would not have me on the bottom! After this vote, that three can keep working with Lindsey and Steve (Morgan????) for f9 and f8 to get out more couples and shit (turn on Natdrea), and run this whole game. THIS WHOLE GAME. I can see the end!!!

Here's my ideal path to the end, with this new development:
10th place is spencer
9th is andrea
8th and 7th is nick and nat (couples completely gone now)
6th is steve
5th is lindsey (bye threats!!)
4th (which will be precarious for me af...) is tai
F3 of me, Morgan, LJ. That's my win condition. I don't even see a need for the idol at all, with the way this could go.
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  • Al-Mahrah Tribe
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By Kelly Wigles
#3317 Thanks Aubry, please keep us updated on new developments with the vote.
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Kelly Wigles

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