- Thu May 11, 2017 11:18:32 am
Ozzy Lusth wrote: ↑Thu May 11, 2017 11:07:18 am
Andrea wrote: ↑Thu May 11, 2017 10:25:38 am
Barring a miracle I'm going home tonight. I have no idols or other tricks up my sleeves, so today I just gotta throw everything I have into my social game and cross my fingers. It's been a great run.
Who do you think you need to be talking to in order for the miracle to occur? Don't quit just yet, I've seen crazier things happen in Stranded.
I talked to Steve and Nat and we decided the best bet was to go to Morgan and tell her "Hey, voting out Andrea is Lindsey's move, do you really just want to pull off Andrea's move or do you want to do your OWN move?" which might work because Morgan and Lindsey hate each other. (At this point, everyone in the game gets along really well besides Tai and Nick, though that's more one-sided with Tai just hating Nick, and Morgan and Lindsey.) Problem is, I talked to Tai last night and he told me he won't write Lindsey's name down. Tai's got a list of people he will and won't for and he really doesn't want to deviate from that. I'm on the list of people he won't vote for, for some odd reason, but I'm a little lower on that list than Lindsey is, so...if it comes down to her or me for him, it's me.
Without Tai, we have no shot of getting the majority, so okay, I ask Tai who he wants to vote for. He says Morgan. Fine by me.
I have to convince Steve and Nat today that that's the better option.
I talked to Lindsey some about it last night. I'll continue working on her and LJ.
I'll play dumb with Nick and Morgan. I think they want me to think it's LJ or Lindsey, maybe Tai.
And I gotta hope that my closeness with Aubry means she wants to keep me over Morgan.
Basically I need to talk to just about EVERYONE, which I do anyway, so it's fine, but like...there's nothing more I can do than what I ordinarily do, I guess is my problem. I want to go to the extra mile or put in some effort that I haven't already been doing, but...all I can do is talk to people and try to get them to like me and not vote for me when it would be in their best interest to do so. And I've done that fine so far--I have no votes against me at this point. But that strategy was gonna reach its limit at some point and it might be tonight.
There's just no way a player as visible as me gets to the end without a well-played idol or well-timed immunity wins. And I have no idols to play, well or otherwise, and no immunity necklace. Nobody is bringing me to the end, here. I just gotta keep fighting and get as far as I can. I hope that's further than tonight, but I'm far from confident.
I'll be sad if I go but there won't be any hard feelings at everyone. I've promised a classy exit and a classy exit you will get.