6th Place | 7th Juror | Voted Out 3 - 2 - 1
By Val Collins
#1399 Congrats on making the merge! Stranded is crazy from start to finish (and will only ramp up from here), so the mere fact that you’re here is an accomplishment.

So a 13 person merge. On a scale of fist fighting a quadriplegic to bungee jumping from the Empire State Building, how intimidating is that? What do you expect to happen for the first vote?

Are you concerned about being singled out for having avoided tribal so much in the pre-merge? Do you think people might worry that you’re too close-knit because of it?

What are your thoughts about who the other tribes voted out? Disappointed? Relieved? Angry? Indifferent?

Give us an ol’ trust rankdown - order from 1-12 who you trust the most to least and a brief reasoning as to why.

You’ve been separated from several of your tribemates for a few rounds. Do you think any old tribal lines are still intact or are you gonna do your own thing?

What are your thoughts on idols? Do you think they were found? Who do you think has them?

Who is threat #1 right now? Who is threat #13?

Is there anyone you’re absolutely opposed to working with? Is there anyone you’re absolutely not voting out?
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Val Collins

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By Andrea
#1426 Hey Val! Congrats on the win. Let's see what questions I can answer for you.

I'm not even scared right now because I'm so ecstatic that I made it this far. I thought I was going home tonight. And I didn't! It's amazing!

There are 0 people that I'm opposed to working with on any sort of moral grounds or whatever. Everyone seems lovely at this point.

Here's who I trust...

1. Natalie. Natalie's my ride or die. I feel like I can tell her anything. I don't think I know how to play a Survivor game without a person who I trust implicitly, even if that's not in my best interest. I have to have one. And she's my one. And honestly here I think it's in my best interest.

2. Steve. We were great at Detwah and losing Krista makes me think he was on thin ice over at Aomak. He's eager to join back up with me and me with him.

3. Spencer. I'm still scared to death of this kid, but...damn it, I like him, and he hasn't fucked me over yet.

4. Tai. Tai doesn't have a lot of connections outside of his alliance and he's very grateful to me, Spence, and Nat for keeping him. We have that option of the Aubry/Julia/Tai/me final 4 but once the Detwahs start going, that option's gonna rapidly disappear.

5. Julia. Sweet kid. I trust her, she should not trust me.

6. Nick. Hates Tai, so that's annoying, but I want to work with his tribe and he seems nice enough.

7. Aubry. See Julia.

8. Trish. Don't know her, but she's in my tentative majority alliance.

9. LJ. See Aubry and Julia, but we have less in common.

10. Fran. How the Franny have fallen. Fran, if you want to work with me, you have to SHOW UP. Idk what to tell you. Plus, you're new Detwah, so...

11. Morgan. Do you exist, girl? You're supposed to be in my alliance...

12. Lindsey. Good at challenges and Old Detwah. Sorry girl.

I want to reinforce that so far I genuinely like all these people. This is just where the numbers have fallen.

in terms of ranking threats...I'm gonna be real with you, I don't much care. I'm gonna worry about that later, if it all. I don't need to win, I just want to keep playing, so I'm not really concerned about taking out people who can beat me in the final 3 or whatever. Let 'em win.
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By Andrea
#1427 Idols...I try not to think about idols because I don't have 'em so there's nothing I can do about them. Someone will get idoled out at some point. Might be me. I can't really do anything, so...c'est la vie.

I want to go to the final 3 with Steve and Nat, so...Detwah strong is definitely still a thing...sort of.
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By Ozzy Lusth
#1432 Alright, so what are the alliances as you see them? Are there two/three/four groups that you can see working together? And where does that put you?
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Ozzy Lusth

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By Andrea
#1444 Fake alliances that I know of:

--Me, Julia, Tai, and Aubry. Not actually a thing.

--Me, Spencer, Tai, and Nat as a final 4 alliance. Only half fake because I'm definitely planning on working on all of them for a good long while, but it's not my endgame.

My endgame: Me, Nat, and Steve.

Right now it looks like Habidoh and Aomak are gonna work together and take out Detwah (new definition of all the tribes). Fine by me, puts me in an 8 majority. I would love if we could just get down to the 8 with no drama, but realistically an idol or two is probably gonna get played. So we'll see. I'm keeping relationships with good with Detwah in case I need to maneuver something, but I'd love to stay with the 8.

Then there are 4 Habidoh and 5 Aomak, BUT, Steve is way tighter with me than with the Aomaks. I honestly believe that. So I'll get him over and tell Spencer and Tai he's just a 5th for this one vote, when actually, it's the beginning of me and Nat and Steve as a majority over them.

I'm sure this won't actually work out. But it's good to have a plan!
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By Ozzy Lusth
#1723 Who are you hoping leaves tonight if the 8 you mentioned stay together? And if that person wins immunity, what's your plan B?

Where do you think the other players have you on their trust ranking? Does that make a difference in the way you vote?
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Ozzy Lusth

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By Andrea
Ozzy Lusth wrote:
Thu May 04, 2017 1:04:16 pm
Who are you hoping leaves tonight if the 8 you mentioned stay together? And if that person wins immunity, what's your plan B?

Where do you think the other players have you on their trust ranking? Does that make a difference in the way you vote?
I'd imagine Steve, Spencer, and Nat have me high, and maybe Tai, and maybe Julia, and everyone else has me towards the middle. I'm probably not at anyone's very bottom.

I'd rather Fran doesn't leave just because she's such a non-entity that we can get her out whenever. And I'd rather it's not Julia because I like her. Besides that I don't care, and I don't care about either of those enough to try to control the vote.
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