By Jeff Probst
#5955 Congrats guys! Here is your celebratory fictitious feast.

So here's what I need for you this weekend:

I need you to write your opening speech in your confessionals AHEAD OF TIME. Feel free to post rough drafts and redo those over the course of the weekend in your finale threads. That is totally normal.

But we do need for you to have it ready and pre-written by the time FTC starts on Sunday. FTC takes a long time to reply to answers, so it's important we do as much ahead of time as possible so we aren't there all night.

ALSO this weekend, we are giving you the opportunity to do a Fallen Comrades. Jury and Prejury who are seeing this can do one as well in their confessionals.

We'll post the names and pictures of the fallen comrades for you to reflect on. We recommend that you do this because it will help you reflect on the entire game and remember details of your journey throughout. As well as preparing you to answer jury questions. It is, however, completely optional.

Congrats and rest up this weekend, I'll see you on Sunday, you earned it!
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Jeff Probst

  • Detwah Tribe
  • Posts: 1089
