Episode 01 Discussion
PostPosted:Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:46:23 pm
by Jeff Probst
Post interesting exchanges you see, commentary, keep track of alliances, etc...
Re: Episode 01 Discussion
PostPosted:Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:26:42 am
by Jonathan Penner
Garrett is a mess, I love it. Check out his confessionals.
Re: Episode 01 Discussion
PostPosted:Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:45:01 pm
by Jeff Probst
[4/23/17, 11:02:25 PM] kenny nofo: did spencer not notice garrett changed the clue
[4/23/17, 11:04:21 PM] Poody: woo and garrett tag teaming morgan
[4/23/17, 11:06:10 PM] Nick: he did
[4/23/17, 11:06:13 PM] WyndhamPrice: lol
[4/23/17, 11:07:49 PM] scoofyken: oh garrett did change the clue up
[4/23/17, 11:07:54 PM] scoofyken: how stupid
[4/23/17, 11:07:54 PM] Poody: 1493006873.png
[4/23/17, 11:08:07 PM] Poody: <33333333
[4/23/17, 11:08:24 PM] scoofyken: here's a genius plan
[4/23/17, 11:08:34 PM] scoofyken: let's change the third line of the clue, and then tell that person to focus only on that third line
[4/23/17, 11:08:39 PM] scoofyken: that's not suspicious
[4/23/17, 11:08:50 PM] Poody: when 3 OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE were given clues
[4/23/17, 11:08:53 PM] Nick: *pats self on back
[4/23/17, 11:09:18 PM] kenny nofo: woo and garrett are just circlejerking
[4/23/17, 11:09:33 PM] WyndhamPrice: probably in real life
[4/23/17, 11:09:34 PM] Poody: well at least their egos arent bruised
[4/23/17, 11:09:37 PM] kenny nofo: SPENCER IS SPREADING THE FAKE CLUE
[4/23/17, 11:09:44 PM] Poody: no he sent it to woo XD
[4/23/17, 11:09:54 PM] Poody: and then said "i just sent woo his brother's fake clue"
[4/23/17, 11:09:56 PM] Poody: do you not read?
[4/23/17, 11:10:09 PM] scoofyken: he sent it to morgan too
[4/23/17, 11:10:11 PM] Poody: oh he sent it to mrogan
[4/23/17, 11:10:12 PM] Poody: lol
[4/23/17, 11:10:17 PM] Poody: *backpedals
[4/23/17, 11:10:26 PM] kenny nofo: fucking rude
[4/23/17, 11:10:42 PM] scoofyken: but spencer asked to compare if they had sent fake ones and morgan was just like "that's what I got too"
[4/23/17, 11:11:15 PM] Poody: morgan didnt get a clue
[4/23/17, 11:11:20 PM] scoofyken: from garrett
[4/23/17, 11:11:27 PM] Poody: ohh
[4/23/17, 11:11:50 PM] Poody: trying to steamroll an LG vote lol
[4/23/17, 11:13:02 PM] Poody: this the fastest ive seen two people crash and burn in stranded
[4/23/17, 11:13:04 PM] Poody: at least since caryn
[4/23/17, 11:13:59 PM] kenny nofo: the brothers are none too bright
[4/23/17, 11:14:22 PM] Nick: Did they get the clue on the scroll image or just in text form?
[4/23/17, 11:15:16 PM] WyndhamPrice: all this back talking is so confusing
[4/23/17, 11:15:36 PM] kenny nofo: these brothers are just fucking shit up
[4/23/17, 11:16:22 PM] scoofyken: woo thinks he is so sly but he's so sloppy in his attempt to target LJ
[4/23/17, 11:16:27 PM] Poody: morgan going afte rWoo
[4/23/17, 11:16:34 PM] Nick: GET HIM, MORGAN
[4/23/17, 11:16:42 PM] WyndhamPrice: fuck yeah Morgan
[4/23/17, 11:16:49 PM] kenny nofo: GET HER JADE
[4/23/17, 11:16:50 PM] scoofyken: like woo caused everything to flip on him because he tried to push an LJ out of nowhere
[4/23/17, 11:16:50 PM] Poody: ideally... Woo goes first. Garret survives until swap
[4/23/17, 11:16:54 PM] Poody: and then makes a run for the merge
[4/23/17, 11:17:02 PM] scoofyken: "I think people are targeting LJ" to everyone and they caught on
[4/23/17, 11:17:16 PM] scoofyken: what is funny is woo wasn't lying to morgan
[4/23/17, 11:17:37 PM] WyndhamPrice: HAHA
[4/23/17, 11:17:38 PM] scoofyken: but LJ convinced her woo is lying and now everything else woo told her is a lie (which it is)
[4/23/17, 11:17:46 PM] scoofyken: mainly because garrett sent her a fake idol clue
[4/23/17, 11:17:52 PM] scoofyken: I am having trouble keeping up with these numbskulls
[4/23/17, 11:18:12 PM] kenny nofo: this is iconic
[4/23/17, 11:19:04 PM] Poody: ^^^^^^
[4/23/17, 11:19:07 PM] Poody: this is a fucking MESS
[4/23/17, 11:19:14 PM] Poody: and you would think having instant messaging would make it easier to communicate
[4/23/17, 11:19:20 PM] Poody: but its like... way harder to keep it all straight
[4/23/17, 11:19:23 PM] scoofyken: its making it so much more messy
[4/23/17, 11:19:39 PM] scoofyken: I have seen Woo's "he said she said he said she said LJ is targeting you morgan" about 30 times
[4/23/17, 11:19:41 PM] Poody: its like its moving so fast they cant keep up iwth the lies
[4/23/17, 11:19:46 PM] scoofyken: everyone is spreading that and garrett's fake clue
[4/23/17, 11:20:00 PM] WyndhamPrice: hahaha
[4/23/17, 11:20:09 PM] Nick: that's what happens when you just lie about everything and don't bother keeping track
[4/23/17, 11:20:35 PM] kenny nofo: the brothers have dug themselves into a pit
[4/23/17, 11:20:59 PM] Poody: this is fucking riveting XD
[4/23/17, 11:21:03 PM] Poody: i cant look away
[4/23/17, 11:21:06 PM] kenny nofo: I need some popcorn
[4/23/17, 11:21:10 PM] WyndhamPrice: that's what happens when children play with machetes
[4/23/17, 11:21:18 PM] kenny nofo: poody, this season is gonna need episodes
[4/23/17, 11:21:57 PM] Poody: XD HOW with 10000000 IMs
[4/23/17, 11:21:59 PM] scoofyken: I like how they thought morgan would be a little pillow of a goat they could carry, but she is the one doing all of the damage against them
[4/23/17, 11:22:14 PM] Poody: well Hadiboh is our strongest tribe character wise
[4/23/17, 11:22:19 PM] Poody: so in a way its great that they went to council first
[4/23/17, 11:22:22 PM] Poody: im hoping Detwah loses the next two
[4/23/17, 11:22:44 PM] scoofyken: that garrett is lying about a lot of things has already spread
[4/23/17, 11:22:46 PM] kenny nofo: Spencer Trish alright, so garrett lied to me
[4/23/17, 11:23:01 PM] scoofyken: the brothers are done
[4/23/17, 11:23:35 PM] Poody: Lindsey LJ right 11:23pm
[4/23/17, 11:23:43 PM] Poody: Trish LJ lol yeah and apparently he's spinning the least structurally sound web of lies i've ever heard of 11:23pm
[4/23/17, 11:23:48 PM] Poody: screaming
[4/23/17, 11:23:51 PM] WyndhamPrice: they would've been fine if they'd just laid low but nooooo they had to be the greatest masterminds to ever mastermind
[4/23/17, 11:23:52 PM] scoofyken: too good
[4/23/17, 11:24:07 PM] Poody: hey, im all about it
[4/23/17, 11:24:14 PM] WyndhamPrice: no i dig it
[4/23/17, 11:24:23 PM] kenny nofo: they're honestly so entertaining
[4/23/17, 11:24:46 PM] Poody: LJ Lindsey might not be related, but what did you think of the "not time to stir the pot just yet, but soon" comment at the shiekh tribal council? 11:24pm
[4/23/17, 11:24:50 PM] kenny nofo: LJ Lindsey might not be related, but what did you think of the "not time to stir the pot just yet, but soon" comment at the shiekh tribal council?
[4/23/17, 11:24:52 PM] Poody: XD
[4/23/17, 11:24:54 PM] Poody: yasssss
[4/23/17, 11:25:08 PM] Poody: Spencer Lindsey So garrett gave me a fake clue btw 11:24pm
[4/23/17, 11:25:13 PM] Poody: XD this is amazing
[4/23/17, 11:25:34 PM] Poody: LJ Trish yeah the whole thing could be made up. one thing i found interesting though, garrett gave me the idol clue too but it was different from the one you gave me
[4/23/17, 11:25:38 PM] scoofyken: I hope they get blindsided
[4/23/17, 11:25:43 PM] Poody: IM DYING
[4/23/17, 11:25:48 PM] scoofyken: they'll be so cocky in that tribal council and the confessionals leading up to it
[4/23/17, 11:26:05 PM] Nick: the best part is knowing that they're too stupid to find the idol
[4/23/17, 11:26:20 PM] scoofyken: I was wary of morgan's rep but knowing that she destroyed the brothers is good enough for me
[4/23/17, 11:26:34 PM] kenny nofo: Morgan Spencer Since Woo basically tried to rope in the entire tribe in a game of telephone 12:24am
[4/23/17, 11:26:37 PM] kenny nofo: episode title
[4/23/17, 11:26:42 PM] Poody: XD
[4/23/17, 11:26:44 PM] kenny nofo: Game of Telephone
[4/23/17, 11:26:47 PM] Poody: well and they just so happen to be on a tribe with some of hte best players
[4/23/17, 11:26:58 PM] Poody: trish / lj / morgan / spencer whiping the floor with them honestly
[4/23/17, 11:27:00 PM] Poody: its amazing to watch
[4/23/17, 11:27:13 PM] kenny nofo: they think they're so great
[4/23/17, 11:27:30 PM] Poody: ive got to fold clothes but i dont want to look away
[4/23/17, 11:27:33 PM] Poody: yall catch me up when i get back
[4/23/17, 11:27:49 PM] Poody: damn and here i thought this season was a hard fail
[4/23/17, 11:28:35 PM] scoofyken: garrett is now trying to target Lindsey for passing around the idol clue and lying to him about it
[4/23/17, 11:31:02 PM] WyndhamPrice: this is beautiful
[4/23/17, 11:33:08 PM] WyndhamPrice: ugh shut up about the shield thing Spencer
[4/23/17, 11:33:43 PM] Nick: after the stunt he pulled he's gonna be a bigger target than them anyway. A shield isn't much good when you're 3 times bigger than it is
[4/23/17, 11:34:38 PM] WyndhamPrice: plus if you try to undermine what's obviously a consensus, you're just putting yourself in line after them
[4/23/17, 11:35:19 PM] WyndhamPrice: "Morgan would be the other option. I feel like she might flip when the merge comes" dude, you've been here two days, chill
[4/23/17, 11:37:01 PM] Joaq: how bad those brothers are: spencer threw the challenge and he isn’t the biggest talk in their camp tonight
[4/23/17, 11:37:25 PM] Joaq: also, word of advice - do not get food poisoning if possible, 10/10 would not recommend
[4/23/17, 11:37:29 PM] WyndhamPrice: fucking Spencer is such a moron right now though trying to plead their case
[4/23/17, 11:37:37 PM] WyndhamPrice: oh that sucks
[4/23/17, 11:37:41 PM] WyndhamPrice: what did you eat?
[4/23/17, 11:38:05 PM] Joaq: i had greek takeout, clearly they didn’t cook chicken through all the way, spent 6+ hours puking this morning
[4/23/17, 11:38:30 PM] kenny nofo: should have got a gyro
[4/23/17, 11:38:55 PM] WyndhamPrice: ugh
[4/23/17, 11:40:19 PM] kenny nofo: Garrett needs to shut the fuck up
[4/23/17, 11:40:24 PM] kenny nofo: they made this bed
[4/23/17, 11:40:36 PM] Poody: yea chicken shawarma is the best bro
[4/23/17, 11:43:05 PM] kenny nofo: everyone on hadiboh is so confused because garrett completely fucked his brother
[4/23/17, 11:43:07 PM] kenny nofo: over
[4/23/17, 11:43:10 PM] kenny nofo: he fucked him over
[4/23/17, 11:43:18 PM] Nick: lol