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Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Fri May 19, 2017 3:10:10 pm
by Kimmi Kappenberg
If any of you guys feel like doing fallen comrades too, here's the pictures and placements and stuff

21st place

20th place

19th place

18th place

17th place

16th place

13th place

12th place

11th place

10th place

9th place

8th place

7th place

6th place

5th place

4th place

Final 3

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Fri May 19, 2017 10:12:17 pm
by Garrett
Garrett's Fallen Comrades

21st place

Woo: Man I really wish you'd gone further. I can safely say that you made more of an impact in episode one than many people made all season. For those who didn't meet Woo, let me enlighten you on one of his many moves.

It's day 3, and Woo is pretended to be a magician-in-training. So, he gives Trish a palm reading (that was 110% bullshit) stating that she had to work with him if she wanted to win. It was her 'destiny', as he called it. Miraculously, she fell for it.

Woo is one hell of a character, and as my brother, I can vouch for him as a great player too. If only the two of us didn't have such a tendency to play hard, Woo would have gone far, and very possibly won this game.

20th place

Jason: Jason is a person I never experienced much of. I know the hosts were fond of him, and apparently he was a pretty big character. I never saw it, but that doesn't mean I doubt it. I wish I had seen it though, because the one interaction I had with him (him calling me a legend icon_blush ) was golden, and I really like Jason. Unfortunately, I'm skeptical of a return from him, seeing as many people probably won't remember him in a few years. Nevertheless, I'd support him if he did!

19th place

Neal: Neal is one of those people who had a lot of potential but was robbed too soon, a/k/a this entire seasons premerge. With that being said, I'd put you at the top of the list for most robbed, because not only did you appear to be a great player, you were one hell of a character.
I'll never forget when, at the immunity challenge after Woo was voted out, Neal said that he was happy to see him go; then proceeded to cost his tribe the challenge, leading me to explode on him, and leaving him speechless in a hilarious stupor. That's one of my favorite moments all season, and it was a blast interacting with you despite being on different tribes.

Neal, you're one of the best characters of the season despite being only in a few episodes, so be proud. I'm sure I'll watch you again one day, and I look forward to it.

18th place

Alecia: If anybody deserves another go from this season, it's her. She was without a doubt one of the greatest characters/players the entire game, and I can only imagine how much better this season would have been had Fran voted off Natalie instead. Undoubtedly, that tie vote was one of the best moments of the season, and it's all because of her that it was possible. Alecia showed great potential as an explosive personality as well as a player (although it failed to come into fruition, she planned a 3-2-1 vote that almost worked perfectly). I've definitely enjoyed commentating on the season with her since as well, and I hope that we remain friends after the game.

17th place

Sarita: I genuinely pray that she's okay, as I have no clue what overcame her that kept her offline for so long. However, I don't know anything about her, and therefore can't say much.

16th place

Krista: Krista is one of the few people this season that I know absolutely nothing about. It doesn't help that she's basically left the site after being voted off, so I've yet to speak a word to her. So... I can't really talk about her game. Rather, I'll wish her well in life and move on.

Krista, I hope you live a great life with a great family and a great job.
Or maybe you already are.
Like I said, I don't know you.

15th place

Phillip: Phillip! I feel like you were a really big character in the pre-merge, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single thing you did :(
IIRC, I think you were very active? But I don't recall much else beyond that.
Still, like with Krista, I wish you well, and I hope you show up to the reunion, because I'd love to chat.

14th place

Garrett: I'm far too oblivious and arrogant to ever do well in this game. I goofed up majorly on countless occasions. I have a lot to learn.

13th place

Francesca: What the hell happened to you? Like seriously, you started out completely active and ready to play, and then exponentially decreased in activity to the point where I'm not actually sure if you're a pre-juror or a juror. That's what I remember you as. The person who just disappeared. That's weak girl. It's a shame too, because you stained the Sheikh title. There's Spencer, there's Nick, and then there's you. Who doesn't belong?
Not to mention, you negatively affected the season by a ton by voting out Alecia when you did. So yeah, I'm not fond of your game. But... I'll try to be nice here. You seem friendly.

That's all.

12th place

Julia: One of the three 15-year old's this season, Julia's probably the most mature. I definitely get motherly vibes from her, and I see her as sort of a mini-Andrea. I never played with her, so I only really know her from her commentary after being voted off. And from that, I don't agree with her on much, especially her extremely vocal hatred of Tai. I also hate that she petitions so hard against him; almost making it wrong to vote him.
So yeah- mixed feelings on Julia. I don't agree with her views, but I like her personality, and I look forward to meeting her for real after the season is over.

11th place

Trish: Since the beginning, if you go back and read my confessionals, I had Trish pinned as the crazy person. Ironically, I considered myself to be the sane one. Oh, how wrong I was.
Trish is a fantastic player and far from crazy. In fact, I'd go as far to say that Trish was one of the best players all season. Not only is Trish a strategic and social threat, she single-handedly led our tribe to many victories due to her legendary puzzle skills. And, to add to her game-winning qualities, Trish is extremely easy-going. For example, in the first episode, she made a petition to ban IM's. Ironically, I called her nuts, because I loved the IM system. I never would've predicted it'd eventually destroy my game indefinitely.

Trish may not be entirely memorable, particularly since she was on a tribe with such big personalities; but I think she's a serious winner contender if given another go.

10th place

Spencer: Ooh boy I can't wait until he reads my confessionals this season. I HATED Spencer this season. Like, we were absolutely one-sided rivals. I always talked shit about him and I feel terrible since I think he genuinely liked me? Probably not, but still. Regardless, I love everybody post-game, Spencer especially. Spencer, you are a fucking legend. Just so you know. From day one, when you were deemed sheikh, you've been an icon. I absolutely love the fact that you and I were together the entire premerge on Hadiboh, the irony kills me. I'll never forget my favorite Spencer moment: when I was having my first meltdown (of many) and I demanded he gave me his Sheikh title, and I could sense how stressed I was making him. Lmao, it was great (for me, not him). From there, I've had a blast following his game this season, and I can't wait until you're inevitably brought back.

Also, I really want to get to know you better later. I'm a huge pysch nerd btw, so I'd be down to chat about that any time :)

9th place

Morgan: I'm trying to be nice to everybody in these, and I struggle to find something nice about Morgan. She was far less active than Natalie, and I hate when she tries to defend this statement. Morgan did nothing all season yet is so naïve that she blocks this truth out. However, in the few instances she was active, she was very entertaining. And so- I do like Morgan as a character. But her arrogance and inactivity prevent me from liking her as a person.

8th place

Nick: Nick was quite obnoxious throughout my time playing with him. I always heard that he berated Alecia and Tai, as well as abused his power.

But wow was I wrong. Nick is fucking awesome. He's young but wise, calm but entertaining, and attached but not clingy. I have mad respect for how involved he has been in discussions since his vote-off, as well as his almost-perfect predictions. I really hope he comes back in a few years, because I'd be interested to see 18-year old Nick compared to 15-year old Nick.

7th place

Lindsey: To echo what I said about Trish- because Lindsey is a very similar player- Lindsey is a physical, strategical, and social force; and, even more than Trish, a fantastic character. Really, she's the total package. The only gripe I had with her all season is that she never let loose her crazy that I could sense inside her. I know she can have a hot-streak, but I only wish we would have seen it. With that being said, one thing I love about Lindsey in particular is that she's super easy to talk to. She never wants to talk game; only personal life (to the extent where I assumed her sweetness was all an act), which is a nice refreshing break from the players in this season.
Lindsey, I hope you come back one day. You have the makings of a Stranded legend.

6th place

Andrea: Oh Andrea... I think if anybody misunderstands me completely it's her. I promise I'm not some crazy mad man; I swear I have boundaries; but, when I'm in a game, I'm in the game. What I mean is, I love everybody this season and I hope you don't hold what I did in-game against me. With that being said, I have a lot to say about Andrea in return. Right after my vote off, I hated her. I mean, hated her. It didn't help that she was so rude to me in the first merge tribal when I had no opportunity to defend myself. Yet, she grew on me.

Andrea is the Denise of Stranded in my opinion. She is incredibly well-spoken, and has one of the best personalities of anybody I ever met. When I did have actual opportunities to talk to her, it was amazing. The therapy session we shared -although probably BS on both of our parts- was iconic. And I harbor no ill feelings towards her. Andrea is an amazing player and an amazing person, and I'm honored to have played against her.

5th place

Steve: The challenge beast from Canada himself, Mr. Steve Wright. I'm genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed watching you this season. Despite having literally nothing in common with me, I found you incredibly relatable and, like the real Steve, you have a knack for dry humor. I can't even explain it, and I don't know why I like you as much as I do, but I do. So whatever you're doing, keep it up. You're a legend dude, and I'm siked to watch you on your second go-around.

4th place

Natalie: Ooh boy, Natalie. I definitely underestimated you as a player. You're actually very strategic, and nowhere near as bad as Morgan in terms of active-ness.
In fact, I hate seeing the two of you grouped up. You had an iconic moment with Tai in the final five. You stood your ground through every insult. You were a part of one of the seasons best moments: the tie vote at New Hadiboh. You have an incredibly good grasp on this game, and I'm astonished at how well you can maneuver your way through it. You are inactive on the outside, yet you controlled many, if not all, of the blindsides this season.
Morgan was none of these things, so don't ever think you're down on her level.
Honestly, I believe that if it wasn't for your graduation, you would've been far more active and emerged as one of the biggest players of the season. So Kudos.

Final 3

Aubry: I wish Aubry was a more explosive personality this season honestly. She was incredibly boring, especially to somebody like me that craves drama. However, Aubry is a masterful speaker and fantastic at finding idols. So I can pardon her boring personality. With that being said, I don't want her to win this season. She's actually pretty clueless when it comes down to it, and I'm not sure she deserves to win. Still, I'd love to see her come back one day against some crazy personalities and see where she fits in.

LJ: I have massive respect for LJ. He's a father, yet still was very active in the premerge. He has a job, but still managed to talk to me constantly. I also know for a fact that LJ is a great speaker -to the point where he didn't have to do much all season and could still write such a kickass speech to win it all- and I'm very excited to see that come into play at FTC.

If I had to guess, LJ will win this season.

Tai: I really wish that the jury wouldn't succumb to peer pressure so much, because Tai is massively underrated. Tai came into the merge all by himself, after losing Alecia and I, his closest allies, back to back. Yet he prevailed. Tai should not be this far honestly, but that's what makes him great. Everybody bullied him, but he's still here and still fighting. He managed to get allies to play idols on him, votes get flushed, blindsides occur, and did it all visibly. Unfortunately for Tai, his visibility could cost him, especially with a jury as biased as this one. People need to realize that his visibility isn't a bad thing, but rather, a great achievement of his.

Good luck, Tai. I'm rooting for you.


All-in-all, this was a fantastic group of players, and I look forward to the finale episode!

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Fri May 19, 2017 10:12:39 pm
by Garrett
So? What do you think?

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Sun May 21, 2017 8:18:25 pm
by Alecia
Great fallen comrades Garrett. Anyway, go Tai!!

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Mon May 22, 2017 9:28:28 am
by Kyle
I like it. I've been following for the entire season and although I can't bring myself to root for Tai (I'm basically gone because of a bunch of misconceptions and mistakes he made), I'm rooting for Aubry because she was one of the sweetest and lovely people I met, along with Julia. Love them both, they're incredible people.

Also, thanks Garrett! I unfortunately came in pretty late and was somewhat targeted for that so I didn't get to play as much as I would've liked. You were super fun to watch!

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Mon May 22, 2017 9:36:36 am
by Garrett
Kyle wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 9:28:28 am
I like it. I've been following for the entire season and although I can't bring myself to root for Tai (I'm basically gone because of a bunch of misconceptions and mistakes he made), I'm rooting for Aubry because she was one of the sweetest and lovely people I met, along with Julia. Love them both, they're incredible people.

Also, thanks Garrett! I unfortunately came in pretty late and was somewhat targeted for that so I didn't get to play as much as I would've liked. You were super fun to watch!
Thanks dude! This was seriously an awesome experience and I can't wait for tonight :) I have a feeling you'll be up there

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Mon May 22, 2017 9:37:09 am
by Garrett
for fan favorite I mean

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Mon May 22, 2017 10:59:35 am
by Kyle
oh that won't happen, if anything it's you that'll be the fan favorite.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted:Mon May 22, 2017 11:51:16 am
by Garrett
Kyle wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 10:59:35 am
oh that won't happen, if anything it's you that'll be the fan favorite.
Don't say that, you should be top fifteen at least, besides Andrea will be number one